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Remus sits and Virgil stays by the bed while Deceit sits in a chair by the door. Remus looks at Virgil "hey i'm right here just say the words and ill help okay" Virgil whispers to Remus as the nurse grabs a cloth measuring tape. Remus nods a little while putting his hand on the bed by Virgil "thanks Vivi" Remus says as Logan washes his hands and puts latex gloves on. Virgil grabs Remus's hand when he started tensing up so he would relax a bit. Logan came over and grabbed a tentacle and held it gently so the nurse could measure it Remus started tearing up as they all hurt and there sensitive Virgil noticed this fast. "did you take your pain pills today 'Mus" Virgil asked quietly Remus shook his head no and a few tears rolled down his face as he was fighting back the tears "okay all done hon i know there sore" Logan said softly to help calm Remus down. "okay now the vitals".


Remus practically was clung to Virgil's arm as he knew what always comes next 


"okay Dr.Logan you need to read this and decide on this or not" the nurse said at those words Remus accidentally hurt Virgil a bit 'Cause he tensed up then released taking a breath. "Uh....... i don't think we should hes already freaking out so i don't think we should even try right now" Logan said a little nervous.


"Okay he seems calmer now maybe we should try now" the nurse washes her hand and puts on latex gloves and gets three needles ready with vaccines in them. Remus looks at them and screams "PURPLE PICKLES" while running to Deceit. Virgil then turns his eyes purple and puts a barrier around all three of them then powers down and tries to calm a now sobbing Remus. "shhhhhh breath with me 'Mus i'm right here" Virgil says while massaging the main part of Remus's octopus trait to relax him."oc-octy vi-vi" Remus said through sobs "oh you want your stuffy Deceit is it in his room or yours" Virgil says while still massaging Remus "Mine he had a nightmare and slept in my room when he last had it" Deceit said holding Remus's hand to help calm him down. "VIRGIL DON'T MAKE ME GET ROMAN TO DISABLE YOUR POWERS AGAIN" Logan said very mad "do it then i'm helping 'Mus before he has a panic attack you don't know him like me and Dee do you don't know his Triggers or his normal fears i do i help him a lot so DO IT I DARE YOU" Virgil said trying not to yell to make Remus worse then teleports away then back with Remus's stuffy "here" Virgil say handing the stuffy to Remus and he lays on Virgil's leg "here let me sit so your more comfy" Virgil said sitting down by Remus. Roman walks in gently "did 'Mus go to sleep yet or can i see him Vivi" Roman said while tiptoeing to the barrier "hes awake but tired very tired so just speak low in here ok" Virgil says opening the barrier for Roman."so what triggered it this time" Roman said softly while crawling over to Remus "this entire day having to go to the hospital,then he went to full on panic mode when they prepped the you-know-what's so he yelled the panic words 'purple pickles' and ran to deceit and i did the barrier logan got mad and said he would have you disable my powers i told him that i dare him to so do he" Virgil said softly as Remus finally fell asleep after the panic attack. "he did he texted me in all caps to come control my boyfriends powers that you won't let him near Remus" Roman says softly "oh well its true he was having a panic attack over them so i took him away from them" Virgil says softly

Deceit gasps "guys that one is bleeding" Deceit says softly and worriedly "okay Dee teleport a first aid kit to Roman and then Roman you clean it very very very gently he didn't take his pain pills this morning so Logan holding it normal brought him to tears and we don't want him to wake up and start panicking again" Virgil says kinda normal. Deceit teleports a first aid kit and a bowl of cool water and rag and Roman starts setting up to wash the tentacle. Roman dips the rag in the water and washes it as gently as he can to get the blood off and remus wakes up keeps his eyes closed and pulls them close to his back"stop Logan that really hurts" Remus says while going into a ball and opening his eyes to see Roman over him with the rag "o-oh Roman uh.. here" Remus sits up letting Roman have his hurt tentacle with tears in his eyes. Roman sighs "look 'Mus i know we fight alot and i dont act like i care but i do a lot so when your in pain or scared you don't have to hide it i'm here for you so is Deceit and Virgil And Logan you can always find one of us to be there" Roman said hugging Remus tight "b-but your al-always brave and fear-fearless and never need help when yo-your hurt and i-i wanna be-be like you" Remus says trying hard not to cry of pain " 'Mus look at me okay i may seem brave and fearless but i'm not i have fears but i'm learning to deal with the and i may seem brave but thats an act to hide when i'm scared and every single time i'm hurt i get help now Virgil and emile Patton's cousin helped me learn that getting help isn't a bad thing it shows you're braver than you know" Remus then broke out in tears hugging Roman "My tentacles hurt and i don't know why and one started bleeding i don't know how and i hate hospitals there so scary and the shiny pointy things hurt and are scary but i'm not supposed to be scared im supposed to be scary and i didnt think i should be scared i was trying to be brave for you and Vivi and Dee and i really need you when we were younger knowing you were always right there to give me hugs was comforting but we grew up and my fears didn't go away"Remus says really fast while hugging Roman really tight."shhh its okay 'Mus RoRos here i'm not going anywhere"Roman says hugging Remus. "r-really" Remus says wiping tears "really now how bout we fix up your tentacle then we can talk more later with emile picanni" Roman stands up with his hand out for Remus to get up with Remus grabs it and pulls Roman down "Roro i cant get up right now im to tired but you can still do my tentacle with me down here but here's my tentacle rag for when there sore it wont let anything hurt them" Remus conjures a rag with green and red on it and it's super soft with a crown on it on the red half a black crown on the green a gold crown."just be really careful near the tips they're still sensitive" 

Roman starts wiping the blood off gently with the rag and Remus crys a little"hey you ok 'Mus" Roman asks while finishing washing the blood off "Yeah this kinda hurts even with the special rag but I'll be fine" Remus says while wiggling the tentacle a little out of pain."look I know this hurts but I'm almost done so hang in there a little longer ok" Roman says rinsing the blood out of the rag "ow ow ow ow ow"Remus says as Roman finishes "there done now can we let Logan see it so it can get fixed" Roman asks looking at the tentacle "no send him a pic don't let him in" Remus says curling up into a ball a bit." ok take a breath 'Mus i'll send him a pic but how does it feel now" Roman says appling a little pressure on the wound "that actually feels good what are you doing"Remus says relaxing a bit more"Applying pressure on the hurt tentacle" Roman said "huh? what no it can heal right now no no no" Remus wiggles it till the magic stops healing it "Remus healings a good thing"Roman said looking concerned "My magic heals me yes but so many things could go wrong and at least two will you could have the pain but no injury it could get infected or i could lose the tentacle the list goes on" Remus cries a bit again " 'Mus you wanna be like me right" Roman asks "Y-Yeah but I already ruined my chance Ro Ro and I can't go back in time to be more like you" Remus says with teary eyes "well you need those vaccines and can I tell you a secret" Roman is barely above a whisper so that Dee Vivi and Remus can hear him "yeah?" Remus says a bit confused " I'm scared of getting shots too but I have ways to deal with them" Roman says and Remus's face practically lit up at that "what are they can I use them-" Remus starts but gets cut off by Roman "hold on mussy I'll tell you them all but you gotta trust me ok" Remus just nods "when I need a shot I sit on Virgil's lap facing him I take a deep breath and I put me face in his neck and he rubs different shapes and letters and kisses my neck anything to get my mind to focus on him and I end up not really noticing the shot I found out my nerves over it make it feel worse than it is because I tense up while getting the shot so can we try that for you. Hmm? Remus pulls Roman into a hug and starts saying thank you's over and over and even though Remus knew his brother was gonna force him to in the end but he was just happy his brother was gonna be there for him like when they were kids."Virgil put down the barrier slowly to not scare him I'll help him up then use your temperature powers to help calm him down" Dee said calmly " ok Dee Roman remember keep your voice the same way during this unless you want to have him off his schedule and crying which is not a good mix especially when he's stressed"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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