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The darkness of Mirkwood

It took half a day of uninterrupted riding for the company to reach the edge of Mirkwood. Now the elven gate was clearly visible before them in all its beauty, but the young woman sensed something strange in that beauty.

"The Elven Gate!"

Exclaimed the wizard from the head of the group, interrupting the girl's thoughts.

"Here lies our path through Mirkwood."

He then added, turning to the company. The dwarves began to dismount from the ponies while, looking around, they scanned the valley in search of some danger.

"No sign of the orcs. We have luck on our side."

Dwalin stated confidently. Those words, however, put Gandalf on alert, making him glance at the hills behind them. On one of them a brown bear was watching closely the company.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master."

The wizard ordered quietly.

"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it."

Bilbo said, approaching Arya. The young woman had stopped in front of the entrance and, with a very serious and worried look on her face, she was now carefully observing the light getting lost among the branches of the trees, until it disappeared completely there, where the path was no longer visible. Too much darkness infected that forest.

"I'm afraid this is not just a's darkness."

She then said in a calm, thoughtful voice, speaking to Bilbo. The hobbit turned to Gandalf again.

"Is there no way around?"

He asked him.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south."

The wizard replied as he slowly entered the forest. He came out shortly after in a great hurry, attracting on him the questioning look of Arya who, together with Bilbo, started running after him.

"Gandalf what happened?"

The young woman inquired, now worried.

"Not my horse, I need it!"

Ruled the wizard, ignoring the girl.

"You're not leaving us?"

The hobbit promptly replied, worried at the prospect of crossing the forest without Gandalf as a guide.

"I would not do this unless I had to."

The sorcerer hastened to reply, looking down at his little friend.

"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same hobbit as the one who left the Shire."

He then continued, lowering his voice.

"I was going to tell you ..."

The hobbit began.

"I...I found something in the Goblin tunnels."

"Found what? What did you find?"

"My courage."

Bilbo then said confidently.

"Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it."

Gandalf concluded, then turned to the rest of the company.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me."

The wizard declared in an authoritative tone.

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