Chapter 26

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A/N: We reached 4k reads y'all! Insaneeeee 🤯 Can't do it without all of you! Thank you so much lovesss (ಥ﹏ಥ)

I slouched myself on the window seat, my back against the windowsill when a black feather caught my attention.

I picked it up from the window seat and it's the same feather he has on his wings, given its texture and appearance.

I flinched dropping the feather on the ground when I saw traces of blood on it.

I drifted my gaze towards the windowsill and I winced when I saw a wire splattered with blood, its droplets leaking down the floor.

He must've been rushing out that he didn't notice the sharp protruding wire.

I looked out the window once again thinking that maybe he didn't get far enough since he's wounded.

I flinched, dropping the feather outside when I heard the hastening clicks by the door.

I reached out my hands towards the falling feather as I followed it's falling figure.

My eyes widened in panic when I saw Dante under the windowsill outside of the castle. He's leaning against the castle walls, wincing in pain whilst holding his wounded wings.

My attention suddenly averted towards the door as it sprung open leaving me appalled.

Gyth came rushing in, immediately setting his eyes on mine then towards the opened window.

His eyes terrifyingly dilated as he stormed towards my figure. I clasped my hands together as fear made it's way into my body.

I flinched as he took long strides towards me. His hands approached my arms almost instantly and a short squeal vamoosed my throat.

My eyes widened as he placed me behind him and scanned the outside before closing the window.

He let out a sigh of frustration as he sat on the window seat, his hands supporting the weight of his body.

Did he see him? Or did he get away?

I stared at him warily as he chased his breathing.

"Was he here?" Gyth suddenly asked, drifting his eyes to mine.

I flinched, gulping down the lump in my throat. I feel guilty seeing Dante by the windowsill outside yet I didn't have the courage to tell Gyth about it.

I couldn't make myself utter a word. I know that I shouldn't keep things from Gyth anymore. But I also can't help empathizing with people who are hurt no matter who they are.

Moreover, he didn't really hurt me physically except the fact that he dangerously neared his body to mine.

Knowing how furious Gyth is right now, he wouldn't have an ounce of pity on him if he knew he's just outside this wall.

I didn't lied nor answered his question.

"You know him?" I asked, answering him with a question.

Gyth stood up sighing, as if he's annoyed at the fact that I didn't answer his question.

Every time he went back from the king's castle, he always looked troubled.

He's pretty agitated and I'm not entirely sure why. He looked like he had a lot of things in his mind.

I followed his movement as he advanced towards the bathroom, leaving the door open.

I walked towards the couch as I watched him splash his face with the water dripping from the faucet.

My breath hitched as I saw him grip the sink tightly until his knuckles whitened.

I quickly looked away, settling myself on the couch as he darted his gaze to my figure.

I felt the rush in my veins upon hearing the clicking noise of his shoes nearing me.

I flinched almost immediately as the couch bent down from the weight of Gyth's body.

I heard him let out a sigh before clearing his throat.

"Chevel." He said, sounding a lot calmer this time. I turned to my side to get a better look at his face.

"I'm not mad at you." He muttered under his breath. His face held a mixture of anger and worry.

"I'm mad at myself." He said, his hands forming into fists.

I looked at him warily, his features tensed. It wasn't his fault and yet he's being hard to himself.

"You came here as soon as you can." I said, resting the palm of my hand against the back of his hand.

I smiled trying to reassure him that I'm alright but he just sighed.

"He didn't hurt you right?" Gyth asked, his eyes glued to mine.

"No." I said shaking my head.

"I'm going to see Dicarius and Sebastian." Gyth said instantly standing up.

My eyes widened as I felt the rush oozing in my body. I immediately grabbed his hand and he turned to me with wide eyes.

"Gyth.. I let them work. It wasn't their fault." I pleaded, as I looked him straight in the eyes.

His green eyes suddenly constricted as he dropped his body next to mine.

"Fine. I'll let this one go." He said, letting out yet another sigh.

I smiled thanking him at the same time but I noticed how his features are still tensed.

It seemed like he got another problem still not figured out.

"Gyth. Is there a problem?" I asked, looking at him warily.

He looked away as he clasped his hands together, his elbows resting on his lap.

He just stayed silent for a minute before I decided to spill it out of him.

"Please, you can tell me about it." I pleaded, making him flinch.

He suddenly sighed, lifting his head whilst stretching the nape of his neck.

"The king wants to see you." Gyth said and I almost stopped breathing.

My lips parted and my eyes widened in his as my hands started to shake furiously along with the rest of my body.

The king of the underworld wished to see me.

A human whom they treat as slaves

Fear crept out of my body as I thought of possible reasons why the king would want to see me.

I looked at Gyth instantly with fear in my eyes as the thought of the king taking me away popped into my mind.

Uncontrollable streams of worse thoughts rushed in my mind.

He might make me his slave and if I didn't properly do the job then I'll end up..


I swallowed the lump stuck in my throat as countless thoughts continued to fill my head.

Suddenly, Gyth grabbed my hands and held them in his. The sudden cold feeling of his touch sent a tingling sensation throughout my body.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Gyth said as I released the air trapped in my throat.

"When?" I mumbled. Gyth's grip on my hands suddenly tightened as he let out a sigh.

"The end of the month." He answered and my eyes immediately darted towards the calendar.

It's just a few days from now

I felt my body weakened on Gyth's arms and he immediately held my arms to support my weight.

I'll be going to the king's castle in a few days time. A place surrounded by horrifying demons and beasts of all kinds.

Just the thought of it makes it hard to breathe.

I drifted my gaze towards Gyth while he's lost in his own thoughts.

Atleast Gyth will be there with me.

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