-The statue of the Golden Light-

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"Hey, Red! Come look what I found!" Solomon called out in excitement.

"What is it? What is it?" Red impatiently asked as he quickly followed Solomon to what he found...


A statue.

A statue of what looked like a monster in a suit of armor, holding up his sword in both of his hands.

It looked like some sort of knight or warrior that was turned to stone, never to move or be free again.

"Woah... Who is that?" Red asked, looking at the statue with stars in his eyes.

"The inscription at the bottom of it says it's a warrior named Acacius. The inscription says that he was called 'the Golden Light' and he would fight off Demons and other dangerous monsters, and save everyone when they lost all hope in being saved and-" Solomon's explanation was cut off by Red.

"His sword looks kinda cool... And sharp."


"Is it magic or something? It looks like it's magic."

"I don't know. Maybe it is?"

"Do you think he'd be nice to us?" Red asked, peering over at Solomon.

"I think he would be. I mean, I guess he'd only hurt us if we were bad and destroying stuff... So... Yeah, he'd probably be pretty nice to us."

"What do you think he looks like under the suit?"

"Maybe he'd have some scars or something under the suit from fighting a lot."

"Yeah... Maybe he would..." Red trailed off.

There was a short moment of silence, before Red interrupted it.

"Do you think... Nevermind..." Red mumbled under his breath.

"What? What were you going to ask?"

Red sat up and started to scurry away, "Maybe we should go home now..."

Solomon stood up and began following him, "Yeah, you're right." Solomon looked up at the sky, "It's starting to get dark... We should hurry..."

Solomon quickly picked up Red, cradling him in his arms, as he began running back home as the sun began to set.

Past Mistakes (An NES Godzilla Creepypasta AU)Where stories live. Discover now