Flash In the Past

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Requested by Tophatbob

Marinette POV
I am fighting an Akuma when I suddenly get blasted by their weapon and am surrounded by a bright light, when I open my eyes I am surrounded by guards and seem to be in a- floating castle, damn it. I've gone back in time, I look around and see who I can assume is the King, Queen, the two princesses, a prince, and some weirdo in a purple robe.

"Who are you?" The man I'm guessing is the King demands, who thank god was speaking English.

"Hello, I am" I look down and see I am Ladybug still, nope never mind I literally just detransformed, I am probably the worst Ladybug ever. " I am from way into the future and seem to have been flung back in time, unfortunately, I can't tell you my actual name but I am known as the heroine Ladybug."

"Hmmm... likely story." The blond Princess says they prince and princesses look to be in what would be 5th grade.

"Amber..." The brunette princess scolds, "Sorry about Amber, my name's Sofia!"

"And I'm James!" The blond prince says, "Ignore Amber, she's just being silly..." Prince James 'whispers'

"James! Take that back!" Princess Amber screeches.

"Amber, James, behave yourself..." The King states, "Hello Ms. Ladybug I am King Rolland of Enchancia, this is my wife Queen Miranda these are my children James, Amber, and Sofia, and this man" He gestures to the guy in purple robes, "Is my sorcerer Cedric. Baileywick, please help out Ladybug!" the guards back away from me and go back to what I'm guessing is their posts.

"Thank you for your hospitality but I really must find a way to get back to my time..." I cautiously say.

"Of course, do you need anything?" Queen Miranda asks,

"Well do you think you could tell me where I am and give me some cookies?" I reply and look around for Tikki, I see her on the ground. "Tikki! Tikki, are you ok?" I exclaim picking up my little Kwami.

"I-I'm fine Marinette, just really hungry, it took all my energy to make sure we ended up in this spot..."Tikki mumbles, rubbing her head.

"AHHH!! Bug! Daddy what is that!" Princess Amber screams, startling Tikki.

"Hey, I've seen something like that in one of my books, but it was black and looked like a cat." Princess Sofia mutters and starts flipping through a book, "Ah-Ha! Found it, the book says that this is a drawing of one of the many magical creatures called Kwamis, they inhabit magical jewelry called a miraculous and gives the wielder powers, this one is the Kwami of destruction and is tied to a ring..."

"That's definitely Plagg, but he doesn't only has two little fangs not three rows of pointy teeth..." Tikki huffs while looking at the drawing.

"Daddy, can I get one of these jewels?" Princess Amber asks,

"I'm sorry but that's not how it works Princess, Miraculous are only activated in a time of need and you have to be chosen." Tikki sweetly explains, "Now do you think someone could get some cookies? We need to find the Mermaid that holds the Mermaid Comb of Merroway Cove."

"Here you go Tikki." Baileywick bows and sets a mountain of cookies in front of Tikki, she smiles and starts to munch on them.

"So your name is Marinette?" Queen Miranda questions, I nod.

"Tikki, tell me when your done afterward I think we need to have a little dive..." I look around, "What happened to Princess Sofia?"

Sofias POV
When I hear Marinette say the Mermaid Comb of Merroway Cove I sneak off and go to Oona's castle. Oona, she is so cute and makes my heart flutter. Why does she make butterflies erupt in my stomach? And not the ones that Princess Ivy makes. I swim as fast as I can to their throne area when I get there to see Oona, Sven, Cora, and Queen Emmaline.
"Sofia! You're here!" Oona exclaimed and swam up to hug me.

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