Chapter 1

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The sound of high heels marching quickly on the marble floor got louder and louder for each second. It sounded almost like a thunder storm.

The sweat was already running down my neck because of the physical effort on the way here and my cheeks had of course, already achieved a rosy pigment while I was struggling to run all the way to the elevator, that takes 1000 years to get to the bottom floor.

The anxiety was building up little by little while I was waiting for the elevator to get down. Although I couldn't help but notice everyone in the building acting crazy over our potential dealership, where the meeting about it is where I am supposed to be right now!

Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the man who might sign up this dealership with us but I heard he was handsome. I'm not expecting too much though because I already have a few love interests in my life and I don't want to screw up this potential dealership!

Or... so I thought, until the elevator finally made a ding and arrived at the 112th floor on the building and the shiny grey metallic doors opened up. There he was standing, so majestic with his big muscular back, wearing a pitch black designer suit that was hugging his body figure so well with just the right posture. As if he owns it, and he is aware of it.

He was wearing an Armani suit, to be exact with a pair of matching Gucci business shoes. To top that off that, he was wearing a golden Rolex on his left arm that was fitting his muscular arm so amazingly.

He turns his back in a very cautious way, yet still very surprised with his eyebrow raised on the eye that got the first glimpse of me.

That champagne glass that he was holding so lightly but with such a control, the edge of it was lightly touching his bottom lip before he successfully turned 90 degrees and our eyes finally met and we were staring at each other so passionately, that gaze made everyone else in the room stutter between their words.

I quickly looked away in shame because of the fact that I was late to this super important meeting and ran immediately towards my boss, apologizing to her. She said not to worry too much about it because we already had a lot of guests who made an excellent job at making our guest feel welcomed so she decided to let it slide for this time.

But that minute when I almost ran to her I felt someone's glare on me. I thought maybe it could be the man who is here for the sponsorship, but then again... why would he be looking at someone so ordinary as me?

~hmm... I really need to get to know who he is, since I was late to this meeting and missed the part where he introduced himself~

*googling "WONHO"*
"24 million results in 0,34 seconds"

•Born: March 1, 1993 (age 27 years), Gunpo-si, South Korea
•Height: 1.77 m
•Full name: Lee Ho-seok
•Record labels: HIGHLINE ENTERTAINMENT, Starship Entertainment, Maverick, (주)스타쉽엔터테인먼트, more

~oh, I see. So he is a singer?... pretty famous actually... alright, at least I know the basics for now~

I was so deep into reading those articles about him that I didn't even notice the big shadow covering me for a good few seconds. After some time I woke up to reality and looked up only to see him standing there. Right. In front of. My eyes!!

- "Good morning! I heard that uh... you were the main accountant and marketing manager for this dealership. Is that correct?" He said with such a beautiful, sweet voice. It wasn't too deep, which I honestly do not mind but... it doesn't make me as nervous as I thought it would, to be honest. Judging by the way that he looks I thought he would act a bit more intimidating. I guess I judged too quickly then.

-"Yeah, that is correct. How may I help you? Are you enjoying this meeting so far? Is there something or someone that I can get for you?" I politely asked him since this is still work and I don't want to give off the wrong type of unprofessional impression.

-"No, there isn't anyone special that you can get me, and thank you the meeting is going very well so far, I really like this deal" he responded with a tone similar to mine because he got the hint that I want to stay professional. "Although... would you mind giving me your visit card? I thought that maybe, you know... it would be good to reach each other in case we have any questions about this dealership and I heard that you also studied laws in college, and so if I ever get in trouble I know that you could... help me?" He said with a little smirk on his face looking super shy, and acting like a 12 year old boy confessing his feelings towards his 16 year old nanny.

-"Of course we can do that if you feel that way" I said with almost no emotion, because I didn't want him to get any thoughts built up inside his head.

We exchanged visit cards and nothing more happened between us after that, until I went out with my friends to celebrate...

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