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The keyboard is taking too long so i'm updating from my phone. Also, i'm thinking about changing the theme to my face.


You woke up earlier than usual, yawning before you atempted to stretch, which you didn't do when you felt a searing pain on your hips. You then remembered the events of last night, You facepalmed when you remembered your horrible idea that you executed.

"I should have not jumped on his back, dumbass (Y/N)." you mumbled to yourself as you slip on your uniform. You were about to head out when a knock came out your door. You immediately walked towards it and opened it, getting greeted by a pair of vermilion orbs.

"What the fuck are you wearing, dumbass?!" Bakugou stated as he looked at your uniform. You tilted your head in confusion, "I'm going to school...?" you answered confused. "It's a no student day, dumbass." he spatted back. "Oh"

He just mumbled a small "dumbass" before he invited himself in your room. "What are you doing here then?" you asked as you walked towards your closet, taking some clothes so that you can change in the bathroom. Bakugou on the other hand eyed the way you walked towards your closet.

"You walk like a fucking old hag," he teased as a smirk crept on his face. You gave him a glare, "Who decided to drop me?" You spatted as you squinted at him. He glared back at you, "who decided to jump on my back? It's you, you fucking insomniac."

"Tch, shut up." you just answered as you rolled your eyes at him and entered the bathroom. You can even hear Bakugou murmur "insomniac bitch" before you closed the door. You quickly chnaged to some comy clothes, checked yourself in the mirror before you went out witnessing Bakugou using your phone.

"I'm asking you once again. what are you doing here?" you asked as you sat beside him. "I'm taking you recovery girl." he simply answered bfore he gave you your phone. "A lot of people liked the video, but... THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY 'REQUEST SOME SHITS THAT I'D DO TO HIM?'" he yelled.

"What?! You gotta interact with your fans, you know." you shrugged. "Some shitty fan of your said some stupid things." he spatted. You just shragged before you stood up. "Let's go...?"

Bakugou stood up and put both of his hands inside his pockets. You again walked like an old hag while Bakugou was behind you.

He let out a "tch" before he stopped you from walking and went infront of you and bowed showing you his back, "hop on." He grumbled. By the tone of his voice, you refused and just walked ahead of him.

"What the fuck, just hop on!" He ordered glaring at you. "I don't want to." You refused once again and walked off.

Bakugou had enough and just carried you bridal style, "WHAT THE FUCK! BAKUGOU PUT ME DOWN!" You screamed as you tried to get away from his grasp. "This is a one time thing! Stop moving or i'll drop you again." He threatened.

You stopped immediately at the idea of falling butt first on the ground. Bakugou on the other hand smirked and continued to walk. You both now arrived at the common room and was about to leave when somebody came out of the kitchen.

"Bakubro wasn't in his room a whi--" Kiri stopped when he saw Bakugou carrying you bridal style. "He's probably training-" Kaminari said but also stopped when he saw the both of you.

"BRO YOU'RE SO MANLY! I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU!" Kirishima acknowledge as he showed Bakugou a thumbs up. "I'M JUST TAKING HER TO RECOVERY GIRL!" Bakugou yelled at Kiri.

Kaminari looked at you, a worried look sketched on his face. "What happened, (y/n)?" He asked. You just smiled and answered, "I fell last night, now my hips hurt." You answered.

Bakugou clicked his tongue before talking, "Where going now, Shitty hair and Pikachuu" he bid goodbye as he started walking towards the door.

As soon as the both of you left, the rest of the class swarmed the common room minding their own business. Groups of friend talking to each other and some students who wants to be alone.

Mina and Ochaco were at it again with talking about you and Bakugou, unfortunately due to the yelling, they didn't got the quality sleep that they deserve.

Mina sighed as he placed her face on her palm, "(y/n) and Bakugou's bicker last night is just... i can't sleep." Ochaco agreed as she nods her head.

A certain electrical type quirk and hardeninh quirk was near the two sleep deprived female so they heard what they said. "What do you mean '(y/n) and Bakubro'?" Kirishima asked as he walked closer to the girl's place.

"(y/n) and Bakugou hung out again last night," Ochaco briefly answered before she looked at the two males who has a cheeky grin sketched onto their faces.

"Where are they?" Mina asked as she noticed that there was no Ash blonde and (h/c)(h/l) hair in the crowd.

"Well, Bakugou was carrying (y/n) bridal style because she hurt her hips." Kaminari answered, the cheeky grin still on his face. Mina rolled her eyes as she realized what the boys were thinking.

"(y/n) jumped onto Bakugou's back and Bakugou dropped her, now stop thinking about innapropriate things." Mina scolded as she smacked Kaminari's hand.

"We weren't thinking about those things!" Kirishima defended, "those cheeky grins say otherwise" Ochaco spatted.


Hey, what do you think about the story so far? Is it getting boring? T_T

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