Superstar is back to work

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This chapter is posted less than 24 hours from the previous one. Please check the previous chapter if you haven't read it yet.

Thank you for reading💛💛


Arthit reads through his script while Za is busy fixing his hair. After a few months of break, he is finally up for his first live television appearance. The moment he was back, he filmed a new commercial for one of his endorsements and he had to attend a few meetings with some of his sponsors. Today, he is up for a live show.

"Are you nervous?" Za asked as she noticed how Arthit is holding his script.

"Is it obvious? It's my first time feeling like this..." Arthit admitted. Taking a long break is surely making him feel a lot of first times.

"You'll nail it... it's your yai Pompam anyway," Za encouraged him. This is actually the main reason why he accepted the live guesting since he normally does the filmed ones. Their 'yai' or grandma who formed The Grandsons asked him to do the live show and he can't say no to him.

"Your fans are already there and they're probably busy trending the show now," Je added while she is fixing the makeup brushes she'll be bringing to the studio later.

"Rainza is the one organizing them outside," Arthit took a deep breath as he nods. He really wants to do well on this live show and the script is surely fun. They'll talk, play games and interact with fans.

Talk with Toey is a famous show that is produced by ACB. Arthit is confident that yai will help him out, but he's still cannot help but feel nervous.

"You'll do well later, why do you look anxious?" Jane's voice made him turn around to face him. His manager is wearing a headband with 'A-R-T-H-I-T' pasted on it making Je and Za laugh.

"I passed by your fans while Rainza is organizing them, they handed this to me," Jane explained as he pointed at his headband. The sight made Arthit laugh as he felt much lighter with how his manager is trying to cheer him up.

And Arthit didn't really question why his managers, makeup artist, and hairstylist are wearing the headband while they stood at the side while he is being briefed by the floor director.

He can see Ice holding the headband as well. He can't help but wonder if his bodyguard actually wears it, he'll surely be taking countless pictures and send them to Kong.

"Cheering for you nong lemon!" his fans suddenly screamed when the director left Arthit in the center while Pompam is wearing his lapel. It made Arthit turn to face them as he smiles and gave them another wai.

"Thank you, lemons."

"Lemons, how about yai?" Pompam raised his hand making Arthit's fans cheer for him as well.

A few minutes later, the live show started and Arthit can feel himself slowly relaxing. The adrenaline of doing a show with his lemons in front of him is slowly coming back to his system.

Pompam introduced him and the cheer was definitely deafening that it overwhelmed Arthit's heart.

"Are we at a concert?! Lemons let me hear you again!" and with Pompam's cue, everyone cheered much louder than earlier.

"Okay-okay calm down, we're just starting," Pompam nods his head.

"Oh I miss Arthit, can yai get a hug?" Pompam playfully asked as Arthit moved forward to hug him tight.

"How is my grandson?" Pompam asked, hinting about his previous show.

"I'm fine, yai."

"All good now?"

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