Chapter 68

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Fawn closed Lainey's curtains with a snap of her fingers. Lainey wondered if she'd ever get used to seeing her best friend do magic.

"Okay," Fawn said, jumping on Lainey's bed. "Close your eyes."

Lainey did so, big smile on her face. She could hardly believe what was happening. Her best friend in the whole world was a witch! And she was about to do magic right before her! Lainey could feel herself trembling. The anticipation was unbearable.

"How long is this going to take?" Lainey asked excitedly.

"Wait a second . . . okay . . . you can open your eyes now," Fawn whispered.

Lainey slowly opened her eyes.

And gasped at breath-taking scene before her.

About one hundred tiny balls of light floated around Lainey's bedroom. They were like little fairies flying around. It was something straight out of a fairy tale picture book. And then there was Fawn who sat in the center of the tiny lights, her eyes two golden orbs.

She looked like an angel.

A goddess.

Lainey had to catch her breath before speaking.

"Fawn . . . this is . . . this is beautiful."

"It's an illusion spell," Fawn quietly said. "Everything you're seeing is just part of my imagination. I'm in complete control. See?"

Fawn pointed to some of the tiny lights and they began changing colors. Now they were like tiny floating Christmas lights. A few even burst into even tinier lights, like fireworks. Lainey had never seen anything more spectacular with her own two eyes.

"Fawn, this is unbelievable," Lainey gasped. "It's like a dream."

"It's no dream," Fawn said, smiling.

She used the tip of her finger to write in the air between them.

Lainey & Fawn. Best friends 4 life.

Lainey teared up for reasons she wasn't sure of. But, just like her embrace with Benjamin, this was a moment with her best friend she wished could last forever.

Fawn narrowed her eyes at Lainey as the fairies, fireworks and script vanished. And smiled.

"What?" Lainey asked.

"It's nothing," Fawn said. "I'm . . . just happy that you finally know my secret. And I'm sorry for taking my time telling you. I was just scared. For both of us."

"No, Fawn. I'm the one that should be apologizing. I should have been more understanding. I was being really childish and I am sorry. I am also sorry about forgetting to tell you about Ursula and the whole thing with Natalie. I had every intention of telling you before you accidentally read my mind for the first time."

Fawn laughed.

"Fair enough."

"So," Lainey said, sitting back against her headboard. "Do all witches have glowing eyes? Ursula's eyes glowed, too. Except her eyes were green."

Fawn's eyes widened.

"That's right! Ursula was an elemental witch!"

"A . . . what?"

"Elemental witches are special kinds of witches created by Nature to . . . save the world from an evil sorcerer of an ancient prophecy."

"Wait. So . . . huh?"

Fawn inhaled deeply.

"How about I explain it to you from the beginning?"

She explained to Lainey a lot of things about witches she did not know. Like how all witches are guardians of Nature. And how they must uphold the law of Nature: everything that lives must die. She also explained something that Lainey already knew; being that dead walkers are the perfect imbalance to the architect of Nature, it is up to witches to rid the world of them. And then she explained elemental witches.

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