Chapter 21

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As the day is coming to an end,everyone is getting ready to rest for the night...

Katara:I hope Aang and Sokka are okay...

Y/n:Me too...

Y/n is practicing the water bending techniques with Katara watching his movements

Katara:You've definitely gotten better...I can tell just by watching you...

Y/n eyes light up with happiness 



Y/n:Y/n think he...need break...

Katara:Finally...I told you to take one a few times...

Y/n:Trying to...push my limits...

Katara pats his head

Katara:Well you've far exceeded my expectations...

She pulls her hand off  but y/n gently grabs it and places it back on his head

Katara:You want me to keep my hand here?

Y/n nods his head


Katara:You asked so nicely! Of course!

Sokka and Aang push their way through a couple of bushes

Sokka:Hey guys-oh y/n good job on whatever you did!

Katara:He's been practicing water bending techniques...

Aang:Nice work y/n!

Sokka:Anyway we found something that may be of interest...

He takes out a weapon 

Y/n:Oh...a sword! 

Katara:That's not just any sword y/n,it's a water tribe sword!

Sokka:We found a burned arrowhead with it too...there must have been a skirmish of some sort...but we found one more thing...

Katara:Well what was it?

Aang:It's a surprise...

Katara:Well come on then!

Sokka and Aang lead Y/n and Katara to a boat

Katara smiles


Sokka:No...but it was a part of his was here...

Y/n:Family reunion!

Sokka:It's getting late..I say we set up camp here...

Y/n:Who knows...maybe someone might...come back?


Katara,Y/n,and Sokka start to get stuff for the campfire as Aang goes and gets Appa and Momo

Once they all return,one by one they grab their sleeping bags

Sokka:I'll watch over while everyone sleeps...

Y/n:Y/n stay up too!

Katara:Well don't be up too late you need to get some sleep...

Aang:Good night guys...

They both drift off to sleep as Sokka and y/n sit in silence

Y/n notices Sokka looks...sad...

Y/n:Is...everything okay?

Sokka:It's just...we haven't seen our dad in a long time and we might see him again...I remember when he left...I was so eager to go with him...he said I needed to stay and protect Katara and the village...

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