Part 4

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Henry woke up in a bed, yawning. He stretched and looked around. He was in Boris's safe house. But he had to find a way out of the studio still.
He got out of the warm bed and walked around until he entered a little living room, with crates stacked against the wall and a table with two chairs.
Boris was sitting at the table.
Henry glanced over at the door, only to find that he needed a lever to open it, but the lever was missing. 'Boris probably has it' He thought.
He walked over to the wolf. "Hey bud, do you have the lever for the door?" Henry asked. Boris nodded. "Can I have it?" Henry asked. Boris shook his head. Henry slumped.
He wasn't going to force his friend to give him it, but he was going to persuade him. And since the animator was Boris's creator, he knew all the wolf's weaknesses. Bacon soup was the biggest weakness out of them all.
"How about if I make you something to eat, you'll give me the lever?" Henry offered. Boris stiffened. The wolf didn't know how to cook so he usually ate the soup cold. The wolf nodded.
Henry laughed. He knew that would work. So Henry looked around Boris's house and found three cans of bacon soup that he put into a pot on a stove.
After it was cooked, he put it in a bowl and gave it to the wolf, who devoured it in a second. He gave Henry a toolbox that held the lever.
"Thanks bud." Henry said. He took it and inserted it into the door and pulled. There was a creaking sound as the door slowly opened. Henry left, and Boris followed him.
They walked down a hall and stopped once it got too dark ahead. Henry looked around and saw a light on a table nearby. He picked it up and switched it on so they could see where they were going.
Boris stuck close to the light, he was scared of the dark. They finally reached the end, only to find a metal door that was shut.
Boris took the light from Henry and motioned him to stay there. Then he opened a vent and climbed in, shutting it behind him.
Henry waited for a minute, then there was a click as the door was activated, and opened. He went through it, and he saw a huge room.
There was a big sign that read Heavenly Toys, and a big ink pool in the middle of the room. There was also tons of Bendy merchandise and a set of stairs near the end.
"Woah, I don't remember any of this..." Henry gazed around the room. He slowly made his way up the stairs and continued on to the next room.
This time, Henry recognized the room. It was the toy factory. All the dolls had cobwebs strewn between them, and some were torn to bits and thrown everywhere.
Henry gently picked up a Bendy plushy and squeezed it. It made a cute little squeak and Henry smiled slightly.
He let out a long exaggerated sigh. The little stuffed toys reminded him of the days Shawn would chase Grant around squeaking them at him as loud as possible.
He missed those two, he missed all of them. But most of all, he missed animating the toons. Henry felt exhausted and leaned against the wall, sliding down and still softly grasping onto the Bendy plushy.
Then as he looked up at the shelf and saw one each of the toons in a plushy form.
Henry's eyes felt heavy and he fell asleep, hugging the plushy.

Henry's dream:
Henry was sitting at his desk in the studio, working on an animation. Bendy the little toon demon walked in.
He crawled into Henry's lap and grinned up at him. "Hiya Henry!" He said. "Hey Bendy, what are you up to?" Henry asked.
"I came to watch ya draw, I like watchin ya draw." Bendy answered. "But what about Boris and Alice, they were just created a few days ago, you should get to spend more time with them." Henry said.
Bendy frowned a little. "But I don't wanna!" He whined. "You don't?" Henry asked.
"Well, I mean they're nice an all, but I jus wanna spend time with ya." Bendy said.
Henry laughed. "But why? I'm just some old boring animator, and there's a whole world to go learn and explore in!" Henry said.
"But Hen! YoU are mY whOle wOrlD!!!"

Henry shot up gasping for breath. There was a loud thrumming that sounded like a heartbeat. Inky veins covered the rotting walls.
The animator felt fear pierce through him as he saw the ink demon creeping across the room, very close by.
Henry cowered behind the shelf he was hiding away in, and squeezed his eyes shut, whisking for the heart beat sound to stop and for Bendy to go away. The loud footsteps stopped and Henry peered up. He almost screamed.
Bendy was towering above him on the front of the shelf, and it took Henry a few moments to realize that he hadn't seen him yet.
The demon didn't know he was there! He was glad that he'd made the choice of tucking himself behind the shelf before falling asleep.
He watched the demon with fear, and slight curiosity. Bendy aggressively grabbed an Alice plushy and raked his claws across it, splitting it into three pieces.
Then to Henry's surprise, he heard Bendy muttering actual English words to himself. He couldn't hear all of it but what he did hear was:
"Get...hands on Henry....tear...limb from blood....want....dead..."
as far as Henry could tell the demon wanted to tear him apart and kill him in a bloody mess.
This sent horrified chills up the man's spine. He couldn't let himself die like this.
But to his complete relief, Bendy then left the room.

Yee I know I haven't updated this in too long, I completely forgot it existed then I got a notification from someone asking me to update this trash.

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