Chapter Thirteen.

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Failure was very rare for Gardenia, it was something she wasn't used to because success was her last name, it was given to her by her grandfather. She swallowed hard as she stared at her Physics test, and she closed her eyes as she fought the urge to cry. She got a hundred on the test and you're probably wondering, what was the big deal? It's how she aced the test that worried her. Gardenia was in the middle of taking rest then the next minute she woke up in the nurse's office. They said she fell asleep, but the thing is, Gardenia would have known if she fell asleep. Her body decided to shut down right in the middle of the test, in other words, she went unconscious. That never really happened to her before, and it worried her. She ended up coming back to class after telling her nurse that she had to go to the restroom. She snuck to the teacher lounge to get some coffee, then went back to continue taking her test as if nothing happened.

The next day comes around and she wasn't any better, he class bell rings making Gardenia jump a little, she was lost in a daze. "Gardenia, can you stay for a moment?" He asked her and Gardenia felt her chest tighten, she nodded quickly as she got up. "You have been slacking lately, Gardenia. Are you okay?" Mr. Willis asked and Gardenia nodded as she grabbed her backpack.

"I have to go." Gardenia says and she leaves out of his classroom.

Gardenia walked down the hallway in a rush, she didn't have a class for another ten minutes but she was so livid that she just needed to keep walking.

"Gardenia." Harry called after her but she kept walking.

"Gardenia." Harry called her again and she ignores him, Harry grabs her arm and she quickly yanks it away. "Leave me alone!" Gardenia exclaimed and Harry froze in place, she was red in her cheeks and she was crying so much that tears dripped from her face and onto her maroon sweater. "I'm sorry... I need some space, I need to go home." Gardenia rushed out and Harry licked his lips, he swallowed hard. "I-I can take you home." Harry offered and Gardenia shakes her head, she rubbed her head because she can feel a headache forming. "N-No. I will be fine." Gardenia dismissed him and she walked off down the hallway.

Harry watched her leave and he wanted to follow after her but it would make things worse so he will let her be.

Gardenia walked all the way to Bear's school that wasn't too far away and she got him out of school early. "Gardenia, why are you picking me up-woah, what's wrong?" Bear questioned and Gardenia shook his head as she sniffled. "I just don't feel well." Gardenia mumbled and Bear walked beside her with a frown. "Well, let's get home faster so I can take care of you. I will get Gordon to make soup for you." Bear says grabbing her hand, they walked down the sidewalk.

They finally got home and Gardenia was in her bed resting and trying not to lose her mind.

Bear was doing as he promised her, he stood next to Gordon while he cooked some soup for his friend. "Make sure it's not too hot Gordie." Bear says and Gordon nodded as he stirred the chicken soup. "We also need to clean to cook dinner and stuff so when my Mom and Dad come back.. They won't yell at Gardenia." Bear says and Gordon nodded his head quickly. He will cook and clean for her any day, sadly not forever.

Gordon fixed Gardenia some soup and Bear began cleaning up by sweeping and straightening up everything that had been put out of place throughout the two days of not cleaning up.

Gordon walked into her room and she was laying in her bed, she was sound asleep and snoring quite a Storm because she was so exhausted and he couldn't blame her "Gardenia." Gordon whispered. Gardenia being the light sleeper, she wakes up immediately and she clears her throat as she wipes the slobber from the corner of her lips. "Oh-sorry, I usually don't snore." Gardenia says in a hushed tone and Gordon smiles softly as he sits the bowl at her desk. "Here's your soup sweetheart." Gordon remarked and Gardenia smiled as she got up, she sat at her desk and she began to eat quietly. Subtle slurping sounds fill the air.

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