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Uravity: Huh?? I just saw M's message

Uravity: What do you mean you aren't a fan, M?

Potential Friend: Exactly what I said. I am not a fan.

PikaPika: Not a fan of who??

Potential Friend: Pro heroes.

AlienQueen: What??? You love learning about quirks and how people use them but you're not a fan of pro heroes???

Potential Friend: Precisely.

ControlFreak: yall are stupid...

Rock Hard: What do you mean Shinso??

ControlFreak: you clearly don't pay very much attention is all im saying

PikaPika: Excuse me, I have ADHD so I have a perfectly good reason behind why I cant pay attention

FlexTape: What do you mean Shinso??

ControlFreak: you picked up the fact that he wanted to be a hero and the reason he was told he couldn't. but he told all of us that he was told numerous times by many different people he couldn't become a hero due to his lack of a quirk

ControlFreak: including pro heroes

Uravity: I forgot about that! o.o

Potential Friend: Thank you, Shinso. So, yeah, I apologize if I am not jumping for joy at the fact that there are pro heroes in this chat.

Potential Friend: Im going to go eat. Later.

PikaPika: I feel bad now...

Rock Hard: Imagine that though.. being told by even the pros that you cant do something you dreamed of doing...

MOMo: The poor guy..

PikaPika: Which pro do you think it was though?..

ClassRep: That is none of our business. We should not talk about M behind his back.

i crave sleep: i have never had anybody ask me whether they could or could not become a hero

yEAH: I have but never someone without a quirk.. Mainly listeners who wonder if their quirk will be enough

ClassRep: Senseis!

Midnight: Men mainly avoid asking me questions

i crave sleep: I wonder why

Snipe: Wasn't me

Ectoplasm: Same as Present Mic. Never somebody without a quirk.

PikaPika: The only ones who haven't said anything are Thirteen, PowerLoader and All Might

Rock Hard: Thirteen runs USJ so he wouldn't encounter many people to ask him questions. Not to mention he's a space hero!

Rock Hard: PowerLoader is usually working on support items so unless somebody was in U.A. they couldn't ask him a question

PikaPika: That leaves All Might then..

AlienQueen: That's just the pros here at the school though! What are the odds of it being a pro here??

Kero: M disappeared after realizing that All Might was typing for Aizawa-Sensei and that Aizawa-Sensei is a pro hero

Kero: And he started to seem off after coming back to the messages as well

Uravity: Tsu's right...

Y'All Might: It was a while back. Maybe a year ago.

PikaPika: All Might, you got asked by someone without a quirk if they could be a hero???

Y'All Might: Yes. And he did seem very similar in personality to this "M"

ControlFreak: so it WAS All Might...

Potential Friend: Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!!

Uravity: M?? We thought you went to eat??

Potential Friend: Nobody here cares about me eating and being on my phone. Besides I finished. I was watching to see if you guys would figure it out, but I never thought you would all narrow it down to number one himself so quickly

ClassRep: That is why I told you all you shouldn't be speaking about this! I saw he was still online despite him supposedly leaving to eat

Potential Friend: I appreciate that Iida, but I'm a bit glad they didn't listen. It was a bit entertaining to watch them figure it out.

Y'All Might: I apologize Young M. I stand by my answer though, it is too dangerous to pursue being a hero without a quirk. Being a hero with a quirk is dangerous enough.

Potential Friend: I dont care anymore. It's too late for me to be a hero anyways, I gave that up as soon as you answered.

Lord Explosion Murder: Hold on. Eyebags mentioned that other people told this nerd he couldn't be a hero. Who else was there??

AlienQueen: Why do you suddenly care so much bout M??

Lord Explosion Murder: WHO ELSE WAS THERE

Potential Friend: My mother, the doctor, my entire class and the pros. Why do you care?

Lord Explosion Murder: ...

Lord Explosion Murder: What middle school did you go to, nerd?

Potential Friend: Why would I tell you? You gonna go find my classmate and give them a high five??

Lord Explosion Murder: What. Fucking. School.

Potential Friend: Am I still allowed to say when I am uncomfortable answering a question?? Because this is too personal

(Private Messages)

Potential Friend: You really want to figure out how I am dont you?

Lord Explosion Murder: Obviously, nerd

Potential Friend: I'll give you hints. As many hints as it takes for you to guess. But not here.

Lord Explosion Murder: Wtf do you mean not here??

Potential Friend: I'll leave them in the groupchat. Of course, only you'll understand them but it'll be just as fun :)

Lord Explosion Murder: Fun?? Is this some kind of game to you??

Potential Friend: It will be fun for both of us!! You get hints to try and figure out who i am, like a game of Guess Who! And I...

Potential Friend: i get to watch

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