Dragon assault: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Scarlet tried attacking the Hellspawn again and again.

Each time she would stop her swing last second to avoid hitting Maria who was being used as a human shield for (Y/n).

The Hellspawn kept using Maria as a shield not to protect himself, but instead out of the enjoyment of seeing Scarlet increasingly getting upset.

Meanwhile, Jaune simply stared, unamused by this battle.

Scarlet: Fight me damn it!

(Y/n): Hit me, and I'll beat you to a bloody pulp. I'll even except you hitting this bitch.

Maria: Could you not swing me so much?

(Y/n): Shut up.

Scarlet: Don't speak to her like that!

(Y/n): Fuck you.

He suddenly tosses Maria high into the air, in Scarlet's director.

Immediately, Scarlet threw away her sword to try and catch the princess but taking her eyes off the Hellspawn was a mistake.

As she looked up towards the falling princess, (Y/n) ran up and uppercuted Scarlet into a wall, breaking nose in the process.

Catching Maria, (Y/n) chuckled like a villain.

(Y/n):(wicked chuckle)

Jaune: Are you quite done?

(Y/n): Huh?

Jaune: Are you done playing around?

Jaune: Or is this how you actually fight? If it is it's pathetic.

(Y/n): Heh...

Tossing Maria towards Scarlet, she catches her however falls to the floor in the process.

(Y/n): The only thing that pathetic here Jasper, is you.

(Y/n): If you want to fight, I'll gladly have you as my next victim.


Jaune: It's Jaune.


(Y/n): No... I think "victim" is the right word.

Jaune: No. My name.

(Y/n): It's sucks, I know.

Jaune: My name is Jaune.

(Y/n): So?

Jaune: So, say my name.

(Y/n): Make me.

The two glared at one another. One with a wicked grin, the other a serious frown.

Finally, Jaune unsheaths his blade.

Jaune: Where you're from, they call you Hellspawn, correct?

(Y/n): Like I keep track of what everyone calls me.

Jaune: Well... Hellspawn is a fitting name for you.

Jaune: A chaotic demon rampaging through the world. That's all you are and all you can do.

Jaune: In our culture, you'd probably be called a Dragon. Much better then Mcknight.

Jaune: A unholy beast that terrorizes people.

(Y/n): Basically... A badass.

(Y/n): Yeah, that works for me.

Jaune: Of course you're amused by that title.

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