Chapter 1

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She is silent. Always like a ghost, never being seen or heard, despite her deadliness.

Her dark brown shiny hair flows down to her waist.

Her dark blue eyes sparkle under the weak lights.

Her plump lips dripping with an unseen poison, waiting to kill anyone who touches this vixen...

Who is she?


The sounds of gunshots filled my ears. Euphoria gleamed inside of me, knowing that with each gunshot a scumbags dirty life was taken.

I waited, waited for the deafening echoes to stop as I hid behind a wall. That was until I pulled my gun out.

With one sliver of my targets voice, I was ready. I peeked past the wall, trying my hardest to stay silent as I took a look at my target. His file said he was 46 years old and the leader of a small but destructive gang. A gang that has a human trafficking rung.

He had hazel lizard eyes and a balding head, I just had to stifle a shiver thinking of what the bastard must have done to those missing children.

That's when I thought- should I give him the privilege of a quick death, or should I treat myself and make him face hell? I tapped the trigger of the gun, thinking. I went with the second option, before aiming my gun at his foot and shooting. He fell to the ground, groaning with pain. I got out of my hiding place, revealing myself.

Now, I would wear a disguise to hide my identity, but why wear a disguise when I'm going to kill them anyway?

A smile formed on my face as he looked up at me, unaware of who I really am...

I lurk in the shadows, killing any target with precision. The best part of it all was that I was raised to feel no remorse, so I felt nothing.

They call me Dawn.


I got home a few hours after midnight, sneaking past the guards, going around our house and climbing into my bedroom window. Vegas was extra busy at this time so I had to hail a cab.

Breathing heavily from climbing I entered my bedroom, which was pitch black except for the light outside my window shining in.

Finally I was home. God I was exhausted. I threw my my bag onto the ground and headed towards my bathroom, stilling when I noticed a silhouette in the corner.

My hand snapped the gun hidden in my holster and I the lights on, so ready to shoot before I realised who it was. My idiot brother.

"What the hell Theo."

"Again?" He asked with his arms crossed, face twisted with anger.

"You know I only do this at night."

"Your room door was fucking open. Imagine if it was mom or dad catching you instead of me."

"I know. I'll be more careful next time."

He looked at my clothes and pulled his brows together. "You better clean the fuck up before anyone sees."

"Ok, relax." I reassured. Theo was always so overprotective, sometimes it was irritating but other times it was kinda nice knowing someone cared.

Unlike me, who's looks went to my dark haired father who I despised, Theo looked exactly like my mother. The same golden blonde hair, chiseled cheekbones and green eyes which were always sparkly despite his soullessness. He was always brutal towards anyone who wasn't his family or friend.

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