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As their lips met again and again in a never-ending dance, they heard the lock of the door and opened

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As their lips met again and again in a never-ending dance, they heard the lock of the door and opened. Jimin and Nana both got out of the way as quickly as possible and the girl left on Ji-Suk's brown leather armchair.

Ji-Suk: It's us ! He shouted as he entered the living room.

The parents were returning from their their work post, happy to see their children again. Eunbi went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee while his father sat on the sofa beside his son, taking out the day's newspaper.

Ji-suk: You're both red, are you all right ?

Nana: It's because of the chimney ! She says quickly.

Ji-suk: It's not too hot though..

Jimin gave a look to his sister, whose cheeks were still blushing. She took a deep breath, realizing the monumental and irreversible mistake they had made.

Nana went up to her room and circled around for ten minutes. Ten minutes of thinking about a billion questions: What if I ran away ? What if I went back to Seoul to see my father ? What if, what if..

Nana's plans were always far-fetched and she herself didn't follow through with her ideas. She sat in the chair at her desk and tried to concentrate on her classes, even though they had a few days to recover from Mino's death, she wanted to get through her year and finish those years of high school.

After a while she noticed that she was scribbling the letter "J"  in the corner of the blank page. She tore the page before throwing it in the trash.

Jimin came into the room and sat down on the bed with his legs slightly apart and his elbows resting on it. They just stood there, not talking, just the sound of their hearts ringing in their eardrums.

Jimin: It's time to eat, are you coming down ? He asked as he got up.

Nana: Emm.. Yes yes yes, I'm coming down !

He seemed to mean something else, and yet he kept quiet and spread out downstairs in the living room. Nana, who thought their relationship was already a disaster and that nothing could make it worse, was wrong !

She got up, took a deep breath and left for the kitchen. The table was already set, she sat down next to her mother and in front of Jimin and then she began to eat her tomato salad, before his mother speaks.

Eunbi: I'm proud of you Jimin, you managed to take Nana to a restaurant when she hadn't stepped foot in it for two years, how did you do it ?

Things were slowly changing between them. Their complicated relationship was literally turning into love and Jimin was just thinking about the kiss, over and over again, just like his sister.

Eunbi: Jimin, I'm talking to you..? She says, staring at him.

During the whole meal he was in the moonlight, frustration was eating him up inside, but now his mother-in-law has just brought him back to reality.

Jimin: Oh well, I just offered to spend some time with her and I didn't do anything special.

Jimin was aware of the priceless gift she had given him by placing her trust in him, and he vowed to do everything in his power to protect her.

As the meal went on quietly and Nana forced herself to finish her meal, despite the fact that Ana was mentally demeaning her. Ji-Suk, her father-in-law spoke up.

Ji-Suk: We don't really know how to make a family night together, so I suggest we all watch a movie tonight.

Eunbi: Oh, what a good idea, are you in, Nana ?

Nana: Yeah.. She says in a detached tone.

Eunbi: And you Jimin ? She asked the person concerned.

Jimin: That sounds like a good idea.

While the rest of the evening was being planned, Nana was anxious to stay with her brother, they hadn't talked about the kiss, and she hoped to forget the moment. They cleaned up and went to the living room, her father and mother stood next door. Unfortunately for Nana, she found herself sitting between Jimin on her left and Eunbi on her right.

While his parents were immersed in the film, Jimin let his hand slide on her thigh. She understood without difficulty the significance of this gesture, she pursed her lips, feeling her cold hand leave soft and delicate caresses.

In spite of the calmness he displayed, she could guess that he was under tension. Nana glanced at his parents, who didn't notice anything, and then with her eyes flashed lightning bolts at the young man to stop him. But he didn't agree, she hated his boldness and didn't see it as a quality. but yet she had to admit that it fit him well.

Nana: Stop it. She murmured, almost begging him.

She put her hand on his to push him away and touched her fingers as she passed by. Immediately an ounce of warmth rose up in her arm. This simple touch, so innocent and quick, was enough to make her heart beat and change the atmosphere of the room. Jimin understood then that he was not the only one to feel this, but he was the only one to admit it.

She had a strange feeling, as if things had changed for good.. Nana cared about him, and she knew it, but to admit it to him would have made him talk about the harm he had done to her. No, they were brother and sister, they couldn't do that to their parents. She got up and went to her room, finding the bogus excuse that she was tired from the photo shoot.


It's two in the morning and the girl couldn't sleep, no matter how much she spun around in her bed, Morpheus was not there to take her to dreamland. Suddenly, she heard the door to Jimin's balcony open, she hesitated for a moment before she too went out into the balcony. He stood there, in the middle, his elbows held by the iron rail and his gaze lost in the stars.

Jimin: The stars are all the same and yet each one is unique in this universe.

Nana: What question should I ask you ? if you're a poet or if you're suddenly interested in astronomy ?

Jimin: Neither, it's just that sometimes you remind me of a star.

Nana: Okay you're a poet ! She says with a smile.

She turned around to go to her room but her brother's voice stopped her.

Jimin: No, wait ! Stay a little longer.

She looked at him for a moment before getting close to him, it seemed like a cliché, and yet the girl was bitterly enjoying the moment. After a very long silence, he spoke.

Jimin: Nana, I want things between us to change for the better. I care about you, and I'm not going to be a coward. Whatever you choose, I'll accept it.

Nana: Huh ? Enlighten me because I haven't been following you for a while.

He approached Nana's balcony, which was two centimetres away from his own, and leaned down gently, drew her towards him and took a deep breath. Once again his boldness had struck him.

The world seemed to be ephemeral for them, it was just him and her. Two balconies separated them but two lips joined together. Nana knew remorse would eat her to the bone and that there was nothing left of her. Yet she couldn't hide her desire to see this kiss through to the end.

I'm screwed ! She thought in anguish.

=͟͟͞͞➳❥ To be continued...

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