Chapter 3 - Ferrets?

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I know the romantic vote won but please refer to the next chapter to why i'm not going with romantic.

Tubbo and Tommy were in class, Tubbo's first day and it was going quite well until Tubbo started getting distracted by every little thing, first it was seeing the people infront of them passing notes and such. Next it was some bees that buzzed past, Tommy had gotten a bit annoyed when Tubbo started poking him to look at the bees, a few other things had been minor distractions but when he finally started concentrating they spotted something out the corner of their eye that ran past the door. Tubbo stared at the door, seeing the thing run past again, he quickly poked Tommy, the blonde looking at them with an annoyed expression.

"What is it now?" Tommy asked, rolling his eyes.

"There's something!" Tubbo whisper-shouted to him.

"What do you mean Tubbo?" He sighed.

"There's just something! Come with me to go see what it is!" The brunette said quickly.

Tommy looked to the teacher who seemed distracted. "Alright put you're stuff in your bag, hurry." He muttered, quickly putting his stuff in his bag discreetly.

Tubbo nodded, putting their stuff in his bag, the two getting up quickly before Tommy grabbed his hand and they quickly just left. Tubbo saw Dream staring them down so they waved with a grin, mouthing 'Bye Dream' to the tall blonde before he looked up at Tommy as the blonde quickly walked them out the class and down the hallway.

"Where did the fucking thing go?" Tommy asked with a sigh.

"That way!" Tubbo announced, pointing in the direction where they saw the thing.

"Oi, keep your voice down, we can get in serious trouble for this." Tommy said, putting a hand over Tubbo's mouth to express his point.

The brunette nodded and Tommy removed his hand, as well as letting go of Tubbo's hand, the shorter of the pair couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed when Tommy let go but brushed it off. The two started off in the direction of where Tubbo had pointed although one was clearly more excited and was walking a bit faster (obviously Tubbo since he genuinely wanted to know and see what was strolling around the school).

The two turned a corner and Tubbo swore he saw the little thing again, they sped up a bit, almost running letting out a small "Hey!" when Tommy grabbed his bag to slow him down because he didn't want them to be caught and in trouble and Tommy being the smarter of the pair knew it was going to be longer to find the thing is Tubbo kept running after it.

"Slow down Tubs, you don't need to rush." Tommy hummed,

"But- But I saw it!" Tubbo huffed slightly.

"I know but you're gonna scare it off." The blonde smiled, the other huffed again and nodded, Tommy still keeping hold of their bag so the smaller didn't try run off again.

Tubbo kept the pace Tommy was going. "Can you.. let go?" He asked after a moment.

"No, I don't want you running around again." Tommy chuckled, patting Tubbo's head, the brunette swatting his hand away.

"I won't! I'm not a child-"

"Tubbo, you dragged us out here so you could find something you saw that's probably a rat or something, that shit seems pretty childish to me." Tommy interrupted him. "Now be quiet."

The two neared the doors to the courtyard, the two scanning the area to try spot the small animal Tubbo saw earlier, Tommy spotted it and started dragging Tubbo over slowly. The other noticing after a moment, the brunette gasping a little, getting shushed by Tommy. "Slow and quiet, I'm gonna let you go and you can grab it." Tommy hummed before letting go of Tubbo when they got close enough to the animal.

Tubbo crouched down, moving over slowly to try not to spook it before quickly grabbing it. Jumping up and holding it out to Tommy. "I got it!"

"Is that a fucking ferret?" Tommy asked,

Tubbo looked down at the animal and realised that yes, it was a ferret. They also realised that he really wanted to keep it. "Mhm! What should we name it?"

"We're not keeping that thing, it could have rabies." Tommy said bluntly.

The brunette frowned. "But I love it and it loves me too." They were right, the ferret was enjoying the attention Tubbo was giving it

Tommy sighed, Tubbo was clearly giving him the pouty puppy eyes look but Tommy needed to be firm because he is not getting fucked over by a ferret. "Tubbo, no."

"But Tommy!"

"But nothing, we're not keeping a fucking ferret in our room." Tommy said firmly.

"Don't be mean to him." Dream's voice came out of nowhere.

"Oh my god why're you here?" Tommy groaned.

"I saw you guys leaving and wanted to make sure y'all weren't smoking or something out here." Dream shrugged "Anyways, what's the problem here?"

Tubbo looked up a Dream. "I want to keep this ferret and Tommy is being mean." They said, giving Dream a 'sad' look.

"You can't keep a ferret." Tommy sighed.

"How did you get a ferret?" The taller blonde asked, clearly confused on how he even got one.

"I found it." Tubbo hummed.

"I don't think you can have a ferret Tubbo." Dream said after a moment.

"But I love it!"

"Tubbo-" Dream started.

"It's my new friend!"


"It clearly likes me too and I've never had a ferret-"

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, to get Tubbo's attention, making him flinch. "We said no, jeez you're like a fucking kid." Tommy sighed which made Tubbo frown and look down, making Tommy feel a little bad.

"You're so harsh on him, calm down Tommy." Dream sighed. "But he's right, you can't have a ferret Tubbo."

"..What about for today?"

"No, say goodbye to your friend so we can go to the dorms, we can't go to class now." Dream said quickly, he didn't want Tubbo to get too attached to the animal.

Tubbo huffed but nodded, turning his back to the others as they nuzzled the ferret a little. "I'll come find you later okay?" He whispered to the little guy,

"No the fuck you won't." Tommy interrupted.

"Let him say goodbye to the thing." Dream groaned.

"But he's getting the things hopes up!"

"Shut up kid."

Tubbo shook his head and planted a kiss on the ferret's head. "I love you tiny guy, be safe." they muttered, tearing up a little as he put the ferret on the ground (he got too attached too fast).

"You done?" Tommy asked as Tubbo watched the little ferret run off.

Tubbo turned around, tears on his cheeks, they clearly wanted to keep it and didn't want to let the ferret. "..Why couldn't I keep them?" He asked.

"School policies Tubbo." Dream said, a little awkwardly, he didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Yeah, policies. Tell you what, I'll get you a teddy ferret or some shit like that. I'll get my parents to buy one and send it in." Tommy said after a moment.

"Guess Mr. Tommy Innit has a soft spot after all." Dream chuckled.

Tommy was about to yell at Dream but got cut off by the upset Tubbo hugging him, Tommy looked down and sighed, putting his arms around him. "Don't cry on my shirt please." Tommy sighed, patting Tubbo's head a little.

"Thank you Tommy..."

"Yeah whatever."

"What the actual fuck are you all doing?" The three heard Wilbur say.

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