Chapter 1: New Home

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We pulled into our new house. It was two storey and was made of stone bricks and wooden pannles. I stepped out of the car grabbed my stuff and went to the door. Dad got the key out and opened it wide enough to look in. It had polished wooden floors with white plaster walls. To the right was an opening for the living room and to the left an area for a dinning table. I walked inside and up the stairs. There were three doors. One for a study and two for bed rooms. I picked a bedroom to the right it had a walk-in wardrobe and an amazing queen sized bed. I was in love. I dumped my stuff on the floor and made my way to the window. It had a view of the street, I think it was called mansley street, I don't know but it was beautiful.

"Sweetheart, do you want some food? " Dad called from the stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec." I shouted. I grabbed my phone and a sweater and raced down stairs.

"We need to go to the store. Do you want to come?" he said heading for the door.


We walked to the shops together like normal. When we got there I was surprised. It was about three o'clock and the street was filled with teens. We walked to the grocery store to get some food.

As I reached to get some bread, someone bumped into me.

"Ouch!" I said as I sat up from the ground.

"Sorry... " a guy with black hair and blue eyes said. "I didn't mean to hurt you." he put his hand out towards me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up with no difficulty.

"That's okay." I said picking up the bread from where it sat at my feet.

"Your not from around here are you?" he said giving me a sweet smile.

"Yeah, I just arrived. I'm Bláthnaid by the way. " I said shaking hands with the boy.

"Well Bláthnaid, I'm Patrick but my friends call me Pat. " he said giving me the same smile as before.

"Nice to meet you. Um, do you go to Oak high?? " he said while walking towards the checkout.

"Yeah, I'm starting tomorrow. Do you? " I said putting my shopping on the counter.

"Yeah, my dad's the principal." he said looking at his shoes.

"Are you ready to go?! " Dad shouted from the door.

"Yeah just a sec! " I handed the lady money grabbed my stuff and headed for the door.

"Bye nice meeting you Bláthnaid. " Patrick shouted from where he stood.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!" I walked our the door to Dad and we walked home. Thus place was looking good. But was it going to last or was it going to be short? I just have to wait and see.


This is just the start... Hope you like more will be coming... Comment if there is something you want to say but otherwise till next time

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