Chapter one: Diagon Alley

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Echo had to admit that Hogwarts was beautiful. She of course had heard stories and seen pictures of it in books but they never did it justice. The castle adorns many turrets and towers that are perched atop a high mountain. Stone walls and brilliant marble staircases laid inside. Echo had a hard time taking everything in while walking with Dumbledore towards professor Snape's office.

After agreeing to attend Hogwarts, Echo packed up all her belongings which was fairly easy, given the fact that she just had to flick her wand for everything to pack itself into a trunk.

Since she didn't think it would take two Professors to accompany her, Echo made Dumbledore send Lupin home to prepare for the full moon. Lupin was more than happy to do so, and thanked Echo and Dumbledore and apparated home. While Albus and Echo apparated into professor Dumbledore's office to have her sorted. She wasn't too keen on being sorted with a bunch of first years in front of everyone, so professor Dumbledore agreed to have it done privately.

Albus guided her towards a chair and placed the patched up dirty brown hat on her head. The sorting hat had a hard time putting her in a house, she had the attributes of every house, she was loyal and selfless like a Hufflepuff, brave and nerving like a Gryffindor, wisdom beyond her years and possessed strong creativity like a Ravenclaw. The hat ultimately decided she was a Slytherin, she favored all of the traits; cunning, ambitious, determined, and strong leadership. So that's where they're heading now, the head of Slytherin's office.

No words were passed between the two as they made their way to the dungeons. It wasn't an awkward silence that filled the air, but a comfortable one. Echo was never much of a talker anyway. Only really spoke when she had something to say.

Dumbledore stopped at a large mahogany door and knocked three times. Echo stood behind the greying wizard a bit, looking over his shoulder she watched the door swing open dramatically.

"Yes, professor Dumbledore?" A cold voice drawled out. She assumed this was professor Snape, it's not hard to put two and two together.

"Ah Severus, I have something to discuss with you. May we come in?" Dumbledore asked although it wasn't really a question.

Over the top of Dumbledore's shoulder, she could see professor Snape's eyebrow quirk up but soon disappeared as he stepped to the side to let them in. Trailing behind professor Dumbledore a few feet to maintain a safe distance for Echo, she walked into a dark room with no natural light, just candles that created multiple shadows. The pair stopped in front of a desk while Snape stood behind it looking down while preparing a potion.

Draught of peace, by the smell of it, Echo thought.

Professor Snape was a tall, pale man that had greasy black shoulder-length hair, a permanent scowl seemed to rest on his face. After stirring counterclockwise 4 times he finally looked up and quickly noticed the girl next to Dumbledore. He eyed Echo curiously, he prided himself on being able to tell what a person is thinking effectively just by their body language and facial expression, but she gives nothing. Just like before, her face remained expressionless, her eyes were hard and stern yet held no emotion in them. It unnerved Snape, something he had in common with a lot of people who had encountered Echo Creed.

"Severus, you have a new student, just sorted today actually. May I introduce you to Echo Creed. She's a very gifted witch and I must say I think she will strongly benefit your house. Ms Creed will start her third year but will need to be given course work from 1st and 2nd year. For electives, she will be taking 'Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes. You need to craft her times' table," Informed Albus.

Snape continued to eye Echo staring right into her dark brown eyes, still trying to get something out of her. She stared right back, not even the slightest intimidated. Snape narrowed his eyes before slowly shifting his gaze back to Dumbledore.

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