chapter 6

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Grey stood up from his bed. He glanced around his room before he made his way to the restroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and noticed he was looking a bit pale.

He shook his head as the event of the previous day played in his mind. He still couldn't believe that all the things that took place had been real. It just felt like a dream.

"I wonder what she's up to," Grey blurted out. "Why do I even care?" Grey asked himself, suddenly realizing what he simply said. "She can jump into the ocean and drown, and I will not care," Grey muttered angrily. He was aware he was not telling the truth about not caring, however, he would say anything simply to make himself feel better.

Grey took a quick bath and exited the bathroom, looking less exhausted. The previous day's events genuinely took a toll on him.

He made his way to the living room and glanced to his left when he heard footsteps. His Mom suddenly made an appearance.

"Good morning, son," Anna said with a gentle smile.

Grey knew what that smile meant, and he was in no mood to talk.

"Good morning," Grey greeted back as he took his seat. He refused to look at his mother, hoping she would get the hint that he had no desire to talk.

But of course!

"Grey, are you alright?" Anna asked with extreme concern in her voice.

"I'm fine," Grey grumbled.

Anna sighed softly. She noticed the way her son looked indignant yesterday and she could tell that something was up with her son.

"You are not fine, son," Anna said after a few minutes had elapsed in silence. "I noticed the way you seemed like yesterday," she added.

Grey ignored her and continued to stare at nothing.

"What happened yesterday?" Anna asked.

A certain face, all of a sudden, popped into his mind. He quickly shook his head to get it out.

'I can't tell her,' he thought to himself.

"Nothing," Grey ultimately answered his mother's question.

"Don't say it was nothing, Grey," Anna raised her voice a little. "You should have seen the way you looked so careworn yesterday, and yet you say nothing happened?" she added.

"Even though something did happen yesterday, I will not tell you anything. It's not like you tell me anything anyway. Why do you want to know what is bothering me?" Grey snapped.

"Grey, you don't understand," his mother spoke back to him. "But I'm your mother and I deserve to know what is going on with my son," Anna said. She was on the verge of tearing up.

Grey sighed softly. He was not in the mood for this. He stood up and made his way to the door without saying anything to his mother.


Anna heard the slam of the door and a teardrop fell from her eyes.

"I wish I could tell you," she said in a whisper.

"It will get better, son. It will," Anna said as she wiped the tears from her cheeks and went to her bedroom.

Grey walked down the corridor, not having anywhere specific to go to. He heard some angels scream as he walked past the rooms.

"What if one of these angels was her?" he asked himself, unable to use the phrase 'Soulmate'. He shivered at the thought of her being tortured like that.

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