Chapter 4: To Live Is To Escape

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Vincent was one of those people who oozed greatness. It shined in his confidence, his hard work, his courage, his expectations. I'd witnessed it all these last few hours as he ran around, doing God knows what.

And though I'd only seen glimpses of him today, it kept me occupied while I brainstormed.

The more I paid attention to him, the more I could ignore the man he'd thrown in the room with me, who wouldn't stop eyeing with me that annoying fucking goofy smirk. As if watching me stress over my life as a prisoner was something to be amused by.

I wanted to speak out but I didn't want to risk a negative reaction. My fear eased some around this man. He wasn't nearly as intimidating as Vincent. However, he did know how to make someone uncomfortable. It took a while for me to rack up the little bit of courage I had, but eventually I glared into the man's eyes.

"What?" I snapped.

He perked up in surprise, uncrossing his arms. "What?" he repeated.

"You keep staring," I mumbled, picking at the ends of my cotton white dress.

It was loose long-sleeve; slim around the waist but it flowed outward all the way to my ankles. Mariah had stopped in here earlier to escort me to the bathroom, where I was able to properly relieve myself and finally wash myself with some hot water. There, she had brought me a fresh, clean pair of underwear and this dress. I'd also been given a pair of brown moccasins.

How she knew my size in either of those things, I didn't have the first idea.

I wasn't able to take a shower for as long as I'd have liked to, but it was better than nothing, being that it was the first time my skin could breathe without the rusty chain clinging onto my ankle. It seemed the chain was only removed when I was escorted to the bathroom. I thought was a little extreme but apparently, I was more dangerous than I thought.

I suspected that was as clean as I was going to get for a while. That was also the last I saw of Mariah. I sort of wished she was here right now, rather than this guy. It sucked that there were no windows in the bathroom too. I'd expected at least one based on how large the bathroom was.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled. "You're just . . . interesting. Is that a weird thing to say?"

"Interesting?" I cocked my head to the side.

He nodded. "It's not always we interact with humans, unless we have to. Well, you're not really a human anymore I guess . . . but you understand where I'm coming from. There's something about you. You've got this strange aura. . ."

My eyebrows furrowed together.

This was weird. He was talking to me like a normal human-being. Like he wanted to befriend me. No, I couldn't fall for it. I wouldn't. That was the quickest way to fall victim to them—by getting too comfortable. He could have lured me in and went straight for the kill. Not literally. But the kill, as in, I would have been framed for something else.

"Interesting, you say, huh? I guess I could say the same about you. I think you're a little too comfortable conversating with a murderer. What would your dear alpha say about that?"

"Careful now. It sounds like you're confessing to the crime. Unless you are?" He folded his arms over his chest, eyeing me with caution.

I studied the male in front of me for a bit longer. Unlike Mariah and Vincent, he had that Prince Charming vibe going for him. His brown hair was a mess—as if he'd just woken up—easy on the eyes, ruffled and leaning to the side. His white skin wasn't as dark as Vincent's olive skin tone, that was for sure. It was much creamier, with a yellow undertone. Something that brought out the ocean blue in his eyes, and the brown faded stubble around his jaw.

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