chapter 10

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Grey shut the door right after the demon left.

“What is it, Grey?” Anna asked, seeing her son's expressions alternate after he answered the door. “Who was it at the door?” she asked, seeing Grey was still silent. “Grey,” Anna called out as she moved closer to her son.  

She put her hand on his shoulder. That action seemed to pull Grey out of the dilemma he was in.

“Uncle Beelzebub wants to see me,” Grey replied.

Anna did not have the time to question her son before he walked past her and went straight to his bedroom. He slammed the door shut in anger.

“I knew this day would come,” Grey muttered angrily as he paced around his room.

He stopped pacing suddenly, and he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

“Stop being a coward,” Grey stated to himself. “Go face your Uncle,” he muttered, encouraging himself. 

He took a deep breath as he opened the door to his bedroom. He left and shut the door behind him.

Anna's head snapped in the direction of Grey's door as she heard it open.

“I'm going now,” Grey announced, making his way to the door. He turned back and shot his mother one lasting look. “Don't worry too much," he said before he left.

Anna watched her son leave. “Why won't I worry?” Anna asked herself.

She was looking very unhappy because she was aware of what was going to happen to her son. She sighed as she went to her room.


Grey walked down the corridor as he made his way to his Uncle's house. He was happy no demon attempted to engage with him, or one of those pesky female demons came across him. He knew he would have taken his aggression out on them.

When he got to the door of his Uncle's house, he stood there for a minute before he finally knocked on the door.

“Come in.” His uncle's voice rang through the door.

Grey took a deep breath before he entered the house.

Beelzebub turned to look at Grey, his eyes looking tough. He glared at him as he crossed his arms tightly across his chest.

“I presume I have given you a great deal of freedom,” Beelzebub stated, looking very angry as his eyes flashed red. His voice was loud and stern

Grey did not say anything. He kept staring at the floor constantly.

“Kneel,” Beelzebub ordered

Grey did it without any hesitation.

“Take off your shirt.”

Grey did what he was told.

“I gave you three days to capture an Angel and you failed to bring any back,” Beelzebub shouted. “What did you think?” Beelzebub sneered at Grey. “That you can go out there and come back empty-handed, and did you think I would simply let you off the hook due to the fact you are great when it comes to capturing Angels?” Beelzebub barked.

“Answer me you idiot”, he shouted when Grey kept silent.

“No matter,” Grey said as he attempted not to exhibit the fear in his voice due to the fact he was aware of what was coming next.

Beelzebub left him there, kneeling. He came back a few seconds later with a long whip in his hands. Grey swallowed a gulp down his throat at the sight of the whip.

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