Chapter 69

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Peter was sitting on the couch with his eyes on the TV where Star Wars was on. In addition to all the recent problems, he began to feel a little strange. At first, he thought it was just all the stress, but he wasn't sure. It felt a little like he had the flu. He felt terribly tired and generally so weak.

"Do you really not want Bruce to look at you? You're paler than you normally are," Tony sighed carefully as he sat down on the couch next to him and studied him closely for a moment.

"I'm fine," he muttered, moving closer so he could rest his head on his shoulder. All that was left now was for Pepper to sit on the other side, and everything would be as before.

"Well, I see, I'm giving you one more day, and if it doesn't get better, Bruce will look at you without comment," he told him relentlessly. He slung one of his hands over his shoulder and hugged him. He missed those moments with his son so much.

"I just need to get a good night's sleep. It's one giant sleep deficit," he explained while he was falling asleep.

Tony smiled at that look and turned off the television so that nothing would disturb him and he could sleep in peace. He prayed in his mind that it was really just a lack of sleep.


"Do you really have to work on Saturdays?" Natasha asked annoyed as she sat down in a chair.

"The work will not be done by itself and I really want to have everything done. You know I appreciate your help, but you don't have to be here, Nat. Feel free to have a nice day with Bruce," she said with a smile, watching the blonde's eyes light up at the mention of Bruce.

"I will not leave you here alone. Plus, Bruce has something to do in the lab. You know him, he's even worse at this than Tones. I wonder if you've already gone to that doctor? I would like to know if it is sure."

Pepper sighed at her words. She still had so much work and worries and still forgot to order. Plus, she was quite used to the idea, and she was afraid she mightn't be pregnant at all. "Not yet, somehow there's no time for it with all work," she said eloquently, turning on the computer. Arrears from the time she went to Malibu had already been resolved, now she just had to keep pace with the current course of the company.

"Pepper! You are the worst. All I hear is work. You also have to think about yourself and your health," Natasha scolded her. In the final, they were all exactly the same. Just the work all the time and everything else went aside. The disintegration of the team made her sad and troubled, but on the other hand, she finally had time for other things.

"I promise the first thing I'll do on Monday will be to see a doctor," she promised, writing a note on a piece of paper. She then glued the paper to the corner of the computer screen. Nat was right and she really had to order.

"I'm watching over you, don't worry. Now tell me what I can do for you," she urged her. If they do their job quickly today, they could go to lunch, for example. Peter still didn't say his opinion on their family reunion, and no one wanted to push him, because it looked quite promising, and they wouldn't like to be startled, so they postponed it indefinitely.

"If you can classify these invoices for me, you'd be golden," she said, handing her a stack of papers. It was a completely lifeless work, but it was work that was necessary. In addition, Natasha could do it with admirable speed.

"This is evil, Pepper, please tell them they're at least numerically arranged," she moaned, standing with the papers in her hand and walking over to one of the lockers.

"They should be," she nodded and began going through the emails. She still had to confirm a lot of orders, which were accumulating dangerously.

They were a well-coordinated team and their work went well. They took a short break here and there and talked, but otherwise mostly focused on work. It wasn't until about two hours later that Pepper took the tablet and went to sit on the soft sofa. She had had a pelvic pain since yesterday and was uncomfortable sitting in her chair. She wanted to return to handling emails when she was hit by a completely unexpected and very sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She wasn't ready for it and couldn't help screaming.

"What's going on?" Nat asked, appearing beside her in a second, ready to neutralize the target.

"I think we'll have to see a doctor now," she said, grabbing her hand, which she squeezed tightly. The pain she felt was almost equal to the pain she experienced when extremis was released into her body.


Pepper hoped and prayed. But given what she'd experienced on the way here, she wasn't surprised by what the doctor had told her. Even so, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I'm sorry, Miss Potts. If it calms you down a little, it happened very quickly. We are talking about hours, a maximum of two days. You should take time off now and decide whether to book a revision or let the fetus leave on its own," the doctor informed her.

She tried to focus on his words, but she couldn't. Her baby was gone. One moment she had it and the next she didn't. At this point, she was just glad she hadn't told Tony. That she didn't actually tell anyone but Nat.

"Do you know what caused it?" she asked when she finally found her voice.

"Unfortunately, we do not know, but it happens. Up to forty percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage. There are various reasons for abortion," he replied, and she just nodded. "If you have no further questions, you can leave, but it would be good for someone to pick you up. If you decide on revision, call me."

"Thank you, Doctor," she said, walking slowly out of the office. Her whole body ached. But her heart ached the most. Somehow she still couldn't understand that she had just lost her child.

"So? What happened?" Natasha blurted out as she entered the hall.

Pepper gave her a look and almost immediately decided not to tell her the truth. "It's a common occurrence, but it's a good thing we came. Could you take me to my place? I'm pretty tired and I think I'll go to bed for the rest today."

"Of course, Pepper. I'm glad you're okay. You and the baby," she said with a small smile, and Pepper tried not to cry.

She no longer had a baby.

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