Foot Shot

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The air ship was waiting for everyone to get ready before they could take off to go to Zaofu. Most of them were already there but they just had to wait for Lin to finish at the station before they could go.

The kids, or rather Meelo and Ikki, were jumping around the seats and chasing each other while trying to tell Sukara about everything they've been up to. Kya, Korra and Asami, stood watching them as they talked.

"You know Korra, she has your smile," Kya said, noticing the slightly crooked, one sided smile on Sukara's face, "are you sure you guys aren't related in a way?"

"We're not related," Korra explained as they went to join Sukara on the couches, "her and Raava are though, sort of. So in a way sort of but not really."

"It's all very unusual for me at the moment, everything I've heard about her-- about you," Kya said, correcting herself as Sukara looked up as the kids bounced away from the couches, "has been so... Daunting. They made you sound like some vicious dictator type and then just mentioned that you were 'a good kid though'."

Kya made air quotes as she quoted Tenzin in his nonchalant way of assuring her that Sukara had changed and was perfectly safe to be around.

"I was, everything you heard was true," Sukara said, a small smile on her face as she thought about how by Kya hearing about her story she had a small victory over the Lion Turtles. She didn't disagree with their punishment or their reasons but, that didn't mean she had to like them for doing it to her. "But that was a long time ago. I've had a lot of time to think about what I was part of. Who I was and what I wanted to be."

"Were you guys scared to tell her at all?" Kya asked, just curious as she turned to Korra and Asami, "about you guys."

"No, Sukara knew before Korra did," Asami told her shaking her head, "she's been nothing but supportive since I found out that she knew I liked Korra at Zhu Li and Varrik's wedding."

"Really? I just thought that, because bendism and homophobia tend to go hand in hand," Kya asked, frowning slightly, "was that not the case?"

"No, I was an asshole and an idiot for sure," Sukara explained, leaning back on the couch, "I had a lot of learning to do, a lot of self evaluation, but I would never shoot myself in the foot like that."

"Oh right, okay," Kya smiled, a little surprised by her answer. Kya was very glad that Sukara was so open to talk about herself like this, it made her feel a little more at ease, "and the other thing? You've dealt with that?"

"As much as I can see within myself," Sukara said, shifting in her seat a little, "but my passion for learning doesn't stop with bending techniques, I'm always willing to improve."

"Always good to hear you're not a complete asshole," Korra joked, laughing a little.

"That's debatable," a deep voice said behind Sukara, making her jump.

The rest of them had seen Lin coming but she had told them silently not to say anything.

"Spirits, Lin," Sukara sighed heavily as she turned to look at Lin as she slouched away from the police chief.

"And I thought my visit to see my sister was going to be calm and relaxing," Lin said, sitting down next to Sukara.

"What do you think I'm gonna do Lin?" Sukara asked, sitting back up.

"Annoy me the whole time."

"I might not," Sukara exclaimed, Lin just gave her a questioning look with a raised eyebrow, "I make no promises, but I might not."

She got a small smile out of Lin and she took it as her victory.

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