Chapter Four: The Boy Who Lived

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There are several dialogue quotes taken from JK Rowling's Sorcerer's Stone in this book. This is to convey the same story she wrote, but from another character's POV. The quotes taken directly from the book have three quotation marks (instead of two) around them to signify she wrote them and that I am citing them. Because I am transforming pieces of her work into something new this falls under the Fair Use Act. Additionally, JK Rowling has stated that she is okay with noncommercial fan fiction. All direct quotes, the Harry Potter storyline, and the characters all belong to JK Rowling.

September first could not come fast enough for Draco. The days crept on like years, and the minutes dragged on for days, but despite the impatience of the young boy, eventually September arrived. Niklaus, Draco's pet eagle owl, soared in through the window and landed on Draco's bed, nudging at his arm. Draco protested Niklaus' wake up call, trying to catch another hour of sleep, when suddenly he remembered what day it was.

Draco shot out of bed and ran to his closet. He dressed in a freshly pressed white dress shirt, and black trousers. He pulled his black Hogwarts cloak over him, knowing that many students wait till they are on the train, but wanting to be ready now. He then took a good amount of time fixing his hair in his favorite slicked back look. Draco wore this hairstyle every day in an attempt to look put together and classy.

Draco bribed Niklaus into his carrier with a bit of chocolate, then he grabbed his trunk with his other hand and made his way down the grand staircase. His mother was already at the bottom of the stairs fretting about having everything in order. Lucius then came into the hallway, "Ready to go Draco?" he asked.

Draco nodded and tried to make his way to the fireplace, but was interrupted by his mother. "Honey take something to eat," she insisted, pressing a scone in his hand. Draco shoved it in his mouth and picked up his belongings. Lucius gave a disapproving sneer at the sight of his son with a scone hanging half out of his mouth, but managed to keep quiet.

Narcissa went first, grabbing a handful of floo powder and clearly stating King's Cross to the fireplace. Draco followed, and lastly Lucius. The three of them quickly made their way through the station trying to avoid the muggles, when finally they arrived at the divider between platforms nine and ten.

Draco gulped as he saw the hard brick wall. He may have been a wizard, but it wasn't everyday he was asked to run through a solid wall. Narcissa put her arm around Draco's shoulder. "Lets do it together," she whispered. And the two of them ran right through the barrier, onto platform nine and three quarters. A few seconds later, Lucius appeared as well.

The platform was almost completely deserted. Draco looked at the clock and saw that it was only 9:30am. The train wasn't set to leave until 11:00am, but there were many people his mother and father were trying to avoid. Even with the few people around, Lucius was rubbing his temples complaining of a headache that the muggles and the blood traitors brought on.

Draco didn't mind the early arrival though. He was not the kind of boy to arrive just on time and risk missing the train. Draco was an organized person and made absolutely sure he was early and well prepared.

Draco first turned to his mother whose eyes were damp and cloudy. He embraced her in a warm hug and listened intently to her last advice. "Stick to your own," she said. "You may not understand yet, but you will. Not everyone is going to be nice to the Slytherins. You may find that even some of your teachers dislike you before they get to know you. However, if you stick to your house, you will find that friendships blossom in adversity."

Draco kissed his mother on the cheek and said a final goodbye. He then turned to his father with eager eyes, half expecting him to pull Draco into a hug, despite that being quite uncharacteristic of him. Instead his father left him with parting words, "Make us proud, son."

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