Justice league wife - date night ( before marrige)

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You could say date nights with your husbands before marriage were very interesting, and always caused some good and bad memories. You loved when you had dates night with your boyfriend even if it was just watching movies at their place or yours and just cuddle and sometime spending the night when it go to late, or a bad storm was happening. When the dates night were at movies or restaurant you loved them as well, and it had become special to you as well.


You are waiting at the Italian restaurant waiting for Bruce to show up he said he will be late by a half an hour, so you were able to get your guys dinner reservation pulled back by a few hours. You had fixed up your makeup a few times because you wanted to look, your best in your date and it also kept your busy.

Bruce " hey honey sorry I'm late"

Y/n " hey handsome it okay I'm happy you are finally here" Bruce kissed you on the lips making you smile and kiss him back, you soon both had gotten seated at a table.

Y/n " Bruce what is with the mark on your face it seem like you got hit by something"

Bruce " oh it nothing babe I had fallen earlier today at home and at how I got this mark but it will, be gone in a few days"

Y/n " okay honey"

Bruce " you look very beautiful today I really like the dress on you"

Y/n " thank you Bruce and you don't look bad in suit" Bruce just smirk at you making you laugh and smile back at him, you enjoyed your date night with Bruce.


You are sitting in the couch at Clark place watching him make popcorn, you knew Clark had amazing cooking skills but you still love it when you cooked the very easy things.

Clark " okay what genre of movie will be watching today sweetie"

Y/n " what about drama or a action movie"

Clark " let go with drama and action movie"

Y/n " sure now stop hogging all the popcorn silly"

Clark " sure honey" Clark soon has a sit on the couch with you and the both of you find a good movies and start watching  the movie.

Justice league x female reader (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now