Growing Evil

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3rd Person

In the senate of Laria, multiple senators, generals and the monarchy of Laria gathers about the failure of re-capturing port city of Varlia

Rina: How did Stanler lost the battle! And more importantly, how did he die!?

Senator 1: W-We dont know Princess, the reports from the soldiers said that the enemy was harnessing the power of light and explosive magic!

Senator 2: I-I-Its true! Thats what the report says! A wooden staff shoots a projectile of light that peirced through our soldier's shield and armor! I-Its simply baffling

Oliver: Tsk! H-How many men survived?

General: Out of the 10,000 that was sent, only 6,000 remained. Right now, they are currently stationed at the town of Gratava just 30 kilometers from the coastal city of Vairla

Oliver: Send the kingdom's Wyvern force. A full squadron, beef up our power in that town

General: I will do so, your Majesty

Oliver: Hmm. As someone who had seen countless battles, the men had lost because the enemy had a defensive advantage. Its been 3 days and they are still occupying Vairla and other coastal cities

Rina: Father, what do you exactly mean by that?

Oliver: The invader's army is weak! Think about it, they won because they were on the defense, and if we put more military might into it, the enemy will surely crumble

Senator 3: B-But what about the staves of light!

Oliver: Seeing how the battle turned out, the invading army is probably out of magic and mana, it will take a few days for them to recover their mana. Attack as soon as possible

Rina: I agree with my father! The invading army is weak! They are only exploiting chances! Do not give them one and they will be crushed by under boot!

Generals: Yes ma'am!

Scene change

At a huge stable, multiple winged beast called Wyverns were putting on saddles and men in light armor and armed with Javelins were arming up

Soon, in a runway of sorts gathers 50 or more Wyverns. The lead Wyvern ran on the stone road and taking off, not long after, the rest of the formation started taking off from the road and flew to the sky and headed towards war

Y/N Pov

I wake up whilst feeling a sharp pain on my shoulder. I try to sit up but failed to do so as the pain on my shoulder is unbearable. I look around my surroundings and notice that i was inside a medical tent but i was all alone

I heard footsteps coming towards the tent and the figure reveals itself to be Matilda

Matilda: Mein Führer! Y-You're awake now?!

Y/N: long was i unconscious?

Matilda: You had the whole army worried. Kommandant, you were unconscious for 24 hours due to blood loss

Y/N: W-Where am i?

Matilda: Erika wanted to ship you back into HQ but we fear the trip will be to long so you're still here in Varlia

Y/N: What about management?

Matilda: I helped Erika with managing the army. She organized a division, 3 Panzer battalion. While i used the prisoner as slaves to build the airfields

Y/N: Thats good to hear. Exploit the prisoners, use them as slave labour

Matilda: Jawohl!

Matilda helps me up on my feet and helps me walk outside the tent. Once i saw sunlight, i was greeted with busy army that was preparing for a offensive. Trucks and Half-tracks were boarding men, Panzer IV's and Stug III's were getting ready and the Luftwaffe landing on an airfield nearby

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