-Chapter Five-

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Thin Walls - Larry Stylinson

Summary: Louis moves into a flat while he’s at university, his next-door neighbour, Harry, who he’s never seen is rather loud at night. Louis confronts him about said noise and the two start to chat through the rather thin wall between their bedrooms. Will they ever meet, and if they do… what could ensue for the both of them?

Pairing: Harry/Louis… side of Liam/Niall

Warnings: may contain a little bit of swearing and that’s all for now, I think.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to upload this, I’ve been tied up with work, the death of a friend, the death of a pet, my dad falling ill and the return of an old friend (Or should I say the guy I’ve been in love with for 7 years who moved away 2 years ago… but he’s only down for a week) He had to leave yesterday so I’ve been having a rough time. Hope you enjoy this, I’m tired and I had a 16 hour shift today with no break except for the miles run I had to do to get to my other work place… Please comment



Chapter Five


When morning arrived and the birds landed on the window ledge of Louis’ window he awoke with a start looking around disorientated over where exactly he was. His attention was drawn to the desk he’d been lying on. He suddenly became aware of the crick in his neck and the small wet patch on the book where he’d drooled on the book. He looked over at his clock to see it was seven thirty and his lecture began in an hour and a half. Still he thought two thousand words weren’t too far from three thousand in the end. Well, that was his opinion.

He wrote a conclusion and packed his work in his bag before standing up and walking into his bathroom to take a shower and hopefully stretch out his muscles that were starting to ache from sleeping in the chair all night.

‘Lou’ someone called out causing Louis to jump and look around to check no one was in his flat, He was naked after all. Then he realised he recognised the voice as Harrys and walked back into his room.

‘Harry?’ He asked

‘Yay, you’re awake. So I have a small problem’ He said, Louis snickered ‘Not like that you dirty minded perve’

‘Hey!’ Louis wined although he still had a smile on his face

‘So I’m going back home on Thursday night and I won’t be back until Saturday morning, could I trust you too feed my cat, or would you manage to kill her too?’ Harry asked, Louis groaned.

‘I’m not going to kill your cat!’ He sighed ‘And sure I’ll feed it, why can’t Liam do it though?’ He asked thoughtfully, Louis thought that if Harry trusted anyone to it would be him.

‘He’s got this fireman training thing he’s going to for the next week, it’s in Liverpool’ Harry replied, which made complete sense to Louis that he’d ask him then.

‘Okay, but your cat won’t try and kill me will she?’ Louis asked with a grimace remembering the time his neighbours cat jumped out of a tree a few years back onto his head, he still has a scar on his back to commemorate that cat.

‘No, but she may cuddle you to death’ Harry laughed

‘Brilliant, okay so from Thursday?’ Louis double-checked

‘From Thursday’ Harry confirmed

‘Okay but I’m going to go and get in the shower I’m naked and it’s cold’ Louis responded

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