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It's me again.


The whole class decided to watch something, so here they are now, arguing what to watch. Everybody has their own movie preferences so you didn't join in with the arguing, you wanted to watch some studio ghibli but basing from your friend's suggestions, they don't watch anime.

You and Bakugou still haven't interacted yet ever since the both of you arrived at the common room.

"The notebook!"Mina argued, Kaminari glared at her then, "The Nun!" He argued back. They've been fighting about what to watch for minutes now.

"How about you just end it with rock paper scissors?" Kirishima suggested since he was okay with whatever, he just wants to watch a movie.

"If I win, we'll watch 'The Nun'" Kaminari stated as he readied(?) his hand. "If I win, we'll watch 'The Notebook'" Mina also said.

They put their hand together, "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS, SHOOT!" They both said, as it hit 'shoot' Kaminari did a paper while Mina stayed as a rock.

Kaminari yelled as the victor while Mina and half of the girls whined. You were not okay with watching scary movies but you have to put up with it since Kaminari won fair and square.

You glanced at Bakugou and he was using your pillow, you stood up and walked towards him leaving the girls. "Bakugou, You gave me the wrong pillow" you exclaimed, handing him his pillow. He just gave you a side glnace, "Bakugou, can I have my pillow?" you asked.

"Tch, I'm in a nice fucking position, I can't have you fucking ruining it" he exclaimed as he glared at you. You nodded, about to go back to the girls when Bakugou took your hand making you fall beside him. "I know you're a fucking scaredy cat, same as those extras." He stated as he pointed at the girls. "Stay here." he added.

"But--" he cutted you off, "no buts" He said, eyes glued to the now playing movie. You didn't have any choice so you just took a seat beside him. As the movie entered the middle part, you immediately clung to Bakugou's pillow, hiding your face in it, until you heard the girl's screams and some of the boy's also.

Then you heard a chuckle beside you, You looked at Bakugou and saw him looking at you, a smirk plastered on his face. "I knew you were a scaredy cat." he teased. You ignored his comment and continued watching, hearing a 'tch' from Bakugou.

Bakugou's scent is totally evident in your face now that you've been burying your face in his pillow, but you just shrugged it off, 'it's not like someones gonna smell me up close.' you thought as you continued watching the movie.

Bakugou on the other hand has been staring at you for quite some time now, you didn't just notice it 'cause you were busy with the movie. He might not admit it but he missed you, he missed your warmth and scent that's why he swapped your pillow with his.

The girls were now cuddling with each other, Kaminari and Kirishima were also hugging with their eyes closed. You were peaking from the corner of the pillow watching what's going to happen next. Bakugou didn't care about the movie, he just like seeing you flinch from time to time.

When the climax was happening, you lie down next to Bakugou, readying your arms to cover your eyes when something scary comes. "eEK!!" you squeaked as you saw another face. Bakugou chuckled once again as he turned to you, "You shouldn't be watching this kind of movies," he muttered.

He was about to tease you once more when he saw you shaking, his eyes went wide before he let out a small 'tch'. He opened his arms wide before saying, "tch, come here" he offered.

You hesitated for a moment but Bakugou insited by growling, you slowly wrapped your arms around him and tried to focus on the movie and not Bakugou.

Bakugou on the other hand did the opposite, he completely closed his eyes before he hid his face in your neck which made you stiffen.

Everybody was so indulged in the movie that they didn't even notice that Bakugou's cuddling with someone.

The end part was actually scary which made you bury your face in Bakugou chest that made him stiffen, it's totally like hugging Bakugou's pillow but it's also great hugging the real thing.

As the end credits rolled out, the boys teased some of the girls which made them argue again, totally not noticing you and Bakugou.

But not for long, "Ooh~ Bakubro!" Kirishima cheered as soon as he saw the two of you. "Shut the fuck up, shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled, catching the attention of their other classmates.


You pulled away from Bakugou and smiled at everyone, "let's pretend that didn't happen," you chuckled as you scratched the behind of your ear. "Let's do something else" you added.

Luckily, everybody dropped the issue and started talking about what to do next. You glanced at Bakugou and you met his vermilion eyes, he just growled at you before he rolled his eyes. You just sat beside him and waited for your classmates to come up with something to do.


Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating, i've been busy for my assignments. I'm still not sure but there's an announcement that came from my school saying that we'll only have reading materials for next week. If ever it's real, i'll have the whole week to update and prolly finish this book and start another one.

I have 3 drafts rn:
1. vlog | k. bakugou
2. backyard boy | k. bakugou
3. play mate | t. shigaraki

Take care of yourself! I love you! <3

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