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"Yo Emma, your phone went off." Gilda said, pointing to the phone that was on the table. Emma, who was busy drinking tea, looked down at the buzzing phone.

"Oh? Check it for me!" Emma said, her upper lip still damp with tea.

Gilda nodded, and reached for the phone. She held it up to look, and..

"Oh wow, its Norman."

Emma's eyes widened and she almost spat out her tea, which would have been a shame, because this was some really good tea, "What did he say??"

Gilda looked, "He wants to hang out with you tomorrow."

Tomorrow? Thats a sunday, they never see each other on sundays! Plus, with the newfounded realization that Emma is totally crushing on him, she is actually somewhat nervous to see him.

"Tomorrow? Wow... okay! Hand me my phone." Emma said, hiding her nervousness with excitement.

She obtained the phone after putting the cup down, and typed out her response.

Emma: Sure! Should we go to the park?

"I told you he likes you," Gilda said, laughing to herself, "He doesn't wanna go a weekend without seeing you!"

"Shush!" Emma exclaimed, "I'm nervous as it is! What do I even do?"

Gilda shrugged, pushing her glasses up, "Maybe you should be honest. Tell him how you feel! Whats the worst that can happen? You guys are already best friends."

Emma pondered it for a second, and she realized that Gilda was right, what was the worst that could happen? Before she could respond, her phone went off again.

Norman: Yeah, that sounds like fun

She felt a smile creep up on her face, she couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Now that she has discovered this new liking, she feels that it makes total sense. She is naturally very friendly and very outgoing with most people, but she truly was, and has been different with Norman.

Emma: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then!! :))

Norman: Okay :)

"Oh gosh, Gilda how do I do this??" Emma asked, second guessing herself, "I've never done this before! What if you are wrong and he doesn't like me like that?"

Gilda looked off in thought, then she shook her head, "Thats not possible, its clear that he does, and I'm pretty sure he's admitted it before."

"What??" Emma exclaimed, "Why didn't I know about this??"

"Emma, you are the last person he would have told," Gilda said, "Thats just how crushes work."

The orange haired girl picked her cup back up and took a sip, "Well, even if I was sure that he liked me, its still hard to tell him! What if i'm weird?"

"Emma you might be the weirdest person I know," Gilda said, earning a glare from the girl across from her, "But, its what makes you, you. Its one of the things that makes you so lovable! And i'm pretty sure its one of the things he likes about you."

"I guess.. when you put it that way, but still! What if I am TOO weird??"

"Come on, you are never this awkward! You don't need to be anything other than regular ol' Emma tomorrow, okay?" She reassured her.

She tilted her head to the side, pondering, "I..okay! I'll be me. And I will try to be not awkward. I think I'm good at that."

Gilda smiled and nodded, "Yes, that you are."


It was now nighttime, Norman had just gotten back home from Ray's place. After that conversation, they talked about dumb stuff, played a few games, and then ordered pizza, because it was Ray's turn to cook dinner, but he had forgotten to do so in time, so Isabella just said to get pizza. Classic Ray.

The boy did not know what to do with himself that night. Mainly, his mind was stuck on what would happen the next day, and how it would go. There are so many different things that could go wrong, that his mind decided it would put on a lovely show of every possible flaw. This was not fun for him.

Norman lied on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, letting his mind continue its endless wandering. He looked down to look at the sewn green and blue pillow that he has carried around with him for so many years. It still continues to be a source of comfort for him, since it was one of the only things he has had for most of his life. He hasn't thought too much about what his life used to be in a while, he has mainly been focusing on the present and the future, and how happy he is nowadays. He sat up and grabbed the pillow, and studied it for a while, he drew his finger along the tears in it's fabric, and smiled a little. Suddenly, his mind went somewhere else.

It went to the necklace. The old, beaten up and worn down necklace with the three letters on it. He leaned over and reached into the drawer to his right, and pulled out the antique. He looked at it, taking note of the letters "Prc" on it, and how it truly made no sense to him. He didn't even think there was a single word that started out with those three letters, so unless it was maybe a weird acronym of sorts, it made no sense. He tried to think about what it could stand for. Prized..ribbon..content? Thats dumb, maybe its Priceless..robotic..crystal? That one made way less sense.

Whatever it meant, if it meant anything at all, it is certainly an antique from his childhood of uncertainty. He held the necklace in his hands, and lied back down onto the bed. If you had asked him where he obtained this momento, he could not give you an answer. He does not remember where he got this from, he only has memory of holding onto it.

Then he began to think about his current life. How he has actual friends, how he has a good home life, and how he has a girl that, for the first time, he really likes.

Well, no, thats a lie. He can remember liking a girl back when he was younger. It was at one of his foster homes, and he was still really young. This home had quite a few kids, and he had become quite acquainted with one girl. He could not remember her name, nor could he remember how she looked, he just remembers the feeling of liking someone. Norman wonders whether this is the place where he obtained these antiques, because he doesn't remember having this necklace before then.

He held the necklace up to his chest, and he closed his eyes, taking in the memories, or rather, the lackthereof. He thinks of how far he has come, and how these have always been with him throughout the whole journey.

He begins to get tired, and for the first time that night, his mind isn't racing with worry for the next day. He grabs the necklace, and he tucks it under his pillow or safekeeping, Without a second thought, he rolls onto his side and falls asleep.

Norman must have been pretty tired, because, before he knew it, it was morning, as if he had just blinked. He soon realizes what is supposed to happen that day, and the nervousness kicks in. His mind begins to wander yet again, thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong.

Amidst the nervousness, he finds a way to smile, and with a deep breath, he gets up from the bed, and decides that he will do his absolute best.

In his nervousness, he forgets about the necklace, and it remains hidden away underneath his pillow.

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now