Year 1 chapter1

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(A/N; just letting you know it's been a very long time since I've written fanfiction but since Quarantine started I thought why not ya know.. Also I couldn't find any good draco x reader fanfics that were good so i decided to write one.. I aint great at writing but yeah I've thought about the plot line and how i want it but idk might change it. Its alo my first time writing a y/n fanfic so be gentle)

         Kings Cross station was lined with many trains, packed with Muggles and Wizards all the like while they all prepared to send off their children to school. Although Y/n had been here a few times to see her eldest brother and sister off to Hogwarts she was finally happy she was able to go with them. It was her first year and she had hoped to make new friends and have fun while learning. Y/n was holding her mother's hand while she held her bag and her father carried her trunk. She has 3 siblings.

Her  eldest brother who was going to his final year at Hogwarts was about 5'10 in height. He had dark brown hair like his father and piercing blue eyes like his mother, his name was Gerald. Gerald Silverling was a Hufflepuff; he looked more like his father than mother. Gerald was very determined to be the best Auror in the family like his father and other Silverling descendants before him.

Her sister who was going to her 4th year of Hogwarts was 5'4 had the same color of hair as her fathers and her Mother's Blue eyes. Her name was Sadie. Sadie Silverling was a Slytherin, Although she was kind and caring she had always been Smart and very cunning, Also she can be very prideful if she wasn't too careful.

Then there was Y/n she was about (y/h) she had (y/h/c) and (y/e/c). she had the beauty of her mother but she didn't really see it, she thought she looked very plain compared to her sister. But she had to wait and see as she gets older she was only 11 after all, But Y/n had the intelligence and wit of her father. she was starting her first year at the school she was nervous and excited but was scared she would miss her parents terribly. She was very Ambitious to learn quickly and become as powerful as her father and mother.

Y/n was known to be a little shy when it came to making friends but overtime her parents were hoping she could outgrow that when she is at Hogwarts.  She had gotten her school supplies a few weeks before and her parents were both proud that their Daughter was finally going to Hogwarts.

Then there was her youngest brother Jett, Jett Silverling was going to start Hogwarts soon, he was barely nine years old so he still had time to grow. Jett looked more like his mother than he did his father.

Ash and Daisy Silverling met at Hogwarts although through sad circumstances they each were able to find love through the dark times, although they were both wealthy purebloods, they each met through The Order of the Phoenix. Ash was a Slytherin and Daisy a Hufflepuff. They each taught their children Love, Leadership, Respect, Kindness and Fairness. Especially since most former Slytherins Ash had known were very prejudiced during the first war. He wanted to make sure that if his children were to be in Slytherin to respect everyone. If they are Muggleborn or pureblood. They both worked at the Ministry of Magic as Auror's, they are known as the best trained under Mad Eye Moody himself.

As the family walked towards the platform 9¾ many muggles had given them some weird looks as Jett carried Y/n's owl. It was a sweet tawny owl named Apollo. He didn't screech much but wasn't content with Jett poking him.

"Alright Sadie, Gerald go first and we will meet you after" Ash told his son who nodded as he went through the barrier. Ash turned to his wife who then went after they did. Y/n had known the familiar feeling going through the barriers but she was always happy to see the Hogwarts express and since she had always seen her siblings leave on the train, this time she was excited she was finally going to get to go. Her father was right behind her and had placed her trunk with the others and her owl. Right as her siblings finished they had hugged their mother and father and younger brother.

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