Chapter 16

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Nicky's P.O.V.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said.

Claire walked in, a book in her hand and a sad look on her face.

"Hey Claire," I said.

It had been two months. Two whole fucking months since I had seen Liam. I was dying. I was depressed. I was numb. I needed him. But where was he and why did he leave? Is there something important that I was missing? I didn't understand anything anymore. The pack kept having these long meetings about stuff that all of the teens weren't aloud to know about. Talk about secrecy.

"Nicky," Claire snapped her fingers in my face.

"Huh?" Whoops. Dozed off.

"I was saying, that they found Peter's remains," she said.

"What? He was killed?" I was shocked. But the bad thing was that I didn't care. He shot me.

"Yeah, he was torn up my an animal."

My mind clicked to Liam, and how he was most likely the one to kill him because he had done us so much harm. He deserved to die in my opinion.

"Wanna go for a run?" Claire's question shocked me. I hadn't been on a run for a while.

I nodded, standing up and following her out into the backyard, making sure no one was watching. I didn't care about my clothes that were going to shred.

I turned into my big grey wolf, my clothes ripping to shreds as I did so. I used the mind-link with Claire.

She had turned into her big brown wolf, that was absolutely beautiful. She really was blessed with pretty fur. I just had white and grey fur, which in my opinion, was nothing special.

'Wanna race?' I asked, knowing I would win. I was really fast.

She gave me a wolf grin and dashed off into the woods. Whore.

I began running, the wind feeling wonderful rushing through my fur. It was the best feeling in the world to let your legs stretch and to get some exercise.

I came up to her fast, and I was satisfied that I had caught up to her. Now I just had to pass her, which is exactly what I did. I passed her, laughing at her face in amusement. It was that funniest thing!

We kept running, that is, until I smelt something funny. It was a weird scent, that reminded me of...I don't know what it was. I couldn't put my finger on it. I stopped, and turned to see Claire had stopped too and she was sniffing the air. I knew she smelt it.

'What is that?' I asked through the mind-link.

She was hesitant for a moment.

'Vampires,' she finally replied.

My breathing caught in my throat. Never in my life had I encountered a vampire. I never even thought that I would. I just never thought about it.

Being secluded from other wolves and everything else, I never thought about how the world also had vampires who roamed freely as did wolves. I didn't even know what they were like.

'Get back!' Claire screamed from beside me, as I heard twigs snapping from the woods.

'I'm scared,'I said through the link.

My eyes widened as a dark figure emerged from the trees that surrounded us. What the hell?

Claire began growling from next to me, and I saw him. He was absolutely stunning, might I say. He had dark, coffee brown hair, blue eyes that were like ice, and his skin was tan. You could tell he was masculine, almost like Liam.

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