Chapter 53

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Jimin POV
Daddy threw me a party yesterday and I am so happy! I fell asleep in the reading corner with TaeTae. Daddy took me to the room and we were able to cuddle together. This morning daddy woke me up. He kept shaking me and calling my name. "Baby wake up!" "Nuu Jiminie sweepy!" "Why should daddy let you sleep?" "The babwy inswide of Jiminie nweed sweep." Suddenly I felt something come up my throat and then back down. "Daddwy Jiminie need thwo upie!" I ran the the bathroom and threw up. "Daddwy it hwurt." "Oh my baby!" It felt like I threw up everything and I would never have to throw up again. For the past 10 minutes I was throwing up so much. "Baby are you ok?" I nodded and crawled to the bed. "Sleep baby ok?" I nodded and curled up in the blankets which were still warm from daddy sleeping in them. "I'll be back baby ok?" I nodded and closed my eyes trying to sleep. Daddy put a bucket next to the bed in case. He takes care of me so well. I wonder what daddy will do while he's gone. Now me and my baby will sleep.

Jungkook POV
Poor Jiminie is getting pregnancy sickness. Mom warned me about this so now I need to get medicine. The closest store was the one with that girl. When I walked in she walked up to me. "Oh I see you came back~ did you miss me?" "No I just need medicine." She looked sad and the expression on her face went down. "Umm ok what type?" "Pregnancy sickness." Her eyes widened. "You have a wife!?" "No" "then why do you need that type of medicine?" "I have a husband." "B-but men can't get pregnant!" "Well mine did." I walked away from her and went to go find it myself. It was all the way in the womans section. "Alright this should be the right one." It was a pink and purple box that had a pregnant woman on it. It said "sickness relief" luckily I got the last one. The cash register was closed so I had to pay by myself and I rushed home as soon as I could to my baby. The door unlocked with my key and I heard noises. It was Jimins cries and sobs. "Baby?!" The cries stopped and I opened the door. His bucket was halfway filled with throw up. "Baby! Are you alright!?" He looked at me and shook his head. "It hwurt daddwy!" Oh shit what do I do!? "B-baby are you ok?" He looked at me with dead eyes. "U-um ok you are not ok." I grabbed the pills and put them in his mouth. "O-ok that should help you." He took them and looked tired. "Baby are you tired?" He fell back in the bed and hugged the pillow. How many times have I told him not to hug the fucking pillow!? I am so mad right now! He whined and moved around when I took the pillow. "Daddwy." "Yes baby?" "Gwo away." I was shocked. "W-what?" "Gwo away!" He turned his back to me and cuddled in the blanket. Sadness filled my heart. Did I do something wrong? Should I ask him? No he'll yell at me. Guess I should sleep by myself. There was a huge space between us in the bed. A few seconds later he crawled across the bed and lied on my chest. His arms were under my back and I was surprised. "I thought the baby didn't want daddy?" "No thwe babwy wove daddwy." He mumbled and fell asleep. Why has he been acting like this? Is this normal? Maybe I could google it up. My phone was on the table next to me so i grabbed it. I googled is it normal for pregnant people to act differently? The results popped up and he has mood swings. Ok well that explains why he has been like this. Hopefully he doesn't rage on me. "Baby?" He didn't reply. Maybe tomorrow will be better
The next day
This morning I woke up to see Jimin throwing up again. "Baby you ok?" He nodded and got up. "Daddwy shy Jiminie thwo up swo much?" "Because you have a baby inside." "Nuuu! Thwe babwy mwake Jiminie fweel swick! Bad bwaby!" "N-no baby it's not the babies fault! It just happens!" He looked down at his stomach again. "I sowwy babwy." "Baby come on we have to eat." "Nuuu daddwy stway here! I gwonna gwo mwake thwe fwood that Jiminie wan eat." He got up and walked downstairs. When did he become so sassy? I heard chopping in the kitchen and ran to the kitchen. He might cut his finger! "Baby don't use the knife!" I saw he was using the plastic starter knife that Jin bought him. "Jiminie mwake fwood fwor bwaby." He had pickles,bread,peanut butter,and a cup of milk. "Baby what are you making?" "Thwis." He showed me a sandwich

" He showed me a sandwich

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