What Happened?

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Sukara was walking down the corridor when she heard the shouts. Several thuds and a smashing sound came through the walls. Tracing the sound, Sukara found the room as fast as she could. She came crashing through the door at high speeds to find two guards huddled together on one side of the room and Kuvira standing ready to fight on the other.

"What happened?" Sukara asked, looking frantically between the three of them, "what's going on?"

The room was a mess, there was a table broken in the middle of it and a picture broken behind the guards.

"She attacked us," one of the guards called, putting the other on his feet.

"He grabbed me," Kuvira snapped, going to step forward again.

Sukara tried to wave her off, stepping in between Kuvira and the guards. "Did he hurt you?" she asked, concern written all over her face.

"She's a criminal," a guard shouted.

"Yeah? Me too, now shut up," Sukara told him firmly, turning back to Kuvira, "did he hurt you?"

"No," Kuvira told her reluctantly, "but I don't need to be thrown into a room. I can walk. Su."

Turning to see the matriarch, Sukara stepped back to let her more into the room.

"What's going on?" Su asked, glaring at all of them.

Everyone started speaking, trying to explain the situation. With everyone talking at once, Su looked like she was going to explode.

"Stop! Everyone stop!" she shouted over them. She stopped for a moment, trying to think about what she heard as she came in, "what do you mean, you can walk?"

"One of these assholes tried to throw me in here," Kuvira told her, folding her arms as she stood down.

"She wasn't listening," the guard protested, "she's still on a prison sentence, even if it's a comfy one."

"I don't need to be manhandled," Kuvira argued, getting defensive again.

"Enough! Why did you grab her?" Su asked the guard.

He made a confused and offended face as he leant down to pick up his helmet. "Me? How about why did she attack us?" he asked as he dusted it off.

"Kuvira overreacted, I understand that," Su said, trying to explain calmly, "but she's right you shouldn't have grabbed her."

"Overreac-- I can't believe this," the guard said shaking his head, "I don't deserve this. I wanna be reassigned, I'm not gonna be her babysitter anymore."

"Me either," the other guard said, following his partner out the door past Su.

As the guards left, Su sighed. She knew they were right, she had had to deal with Kuvira's tantrums since she was eight. She was well aware of her overreactions.

"I'm sorry," Kuvira muttered, getting Su's attention. She looked down at the floor as she shuffled her feet, "I shouldn't have lashed out like that."

"It's alright," Su said, taking a deep breath, "I just don't know what to do now. Part of the agreement is that you're under surveillance, and with you wandering off all the time and now this, none of the guards will agree. And I wouldn't want them to, they shouldn't have to get attacked every time you're upset. "

"I said I was sorry," Kuvira protested, getting defensive again.

"I'll do it," Sukara offered quickly before Su and Kuvira could start arguing, "it's not like she could hurt me if she tried."

Su thought for a minute, watching the two of them. Sukara was right, she was the most likely to be able to stop Kuvira if they ever did need to again. And she was compassionate but, Su didn't know if that was going to be a problem.

"Alright," Su said finally, gesturing between them, "but you can't let her off easy. And you need to listen. Now both of you go to bed, the party is tomorrow and I won't have anyone overly irritable and ruin it."

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