Chapter 4

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I woke up to the usual, boring S.T.A.R Labs morning. Glancing around the room, I noticed Cisco and Caitlin by the monitors as usual. Joe and Wally were talking nearby. No one paid attention to him, as he walked into the cortex. No surprises there. My presence made all of them uncomfortable and weirdly it gave him satisfaction. Barry and Iris were missing though weirdly. I winced suddenly when new memories filled my mind. I staggered and grabbed a nearby chair—trying to maintain my balance. I hate it when that happens. New memories of Barry and Iris filled my mind. Last night they were apparently "close" with each other. I shook my head trying to clear that image from my mind. This is going to haunt me. I thought.

I walked up to Caitlin. "Hey. I need your help."

Caitlin just gave him a glance not saying anything.

I continued. "I keep getting these annoying new memories of Barry and everything that he does. It's getting on my nerves, do you think you can stop them?"

After a few moments of awkward silence, she finally turned to him. "I was wondering when you were going to ask that." She slid her chair to a drawer and pulled out a ring.

"Here put this on, this should help."

I took the ring from her wearily as I put it on. For the first time in a long time, I feel peaceful. No more memories of whatever Barry's doing pops into his mind. My mind was clear. I glanced at Caitlin who was still staring at him with her arms crossed and head tilted. Oh, she was expecting him to thank her.

I did feel gratitude rising inside me but it was stuck in my throat. Looks like my dark side still outweighs my light side. If I still have one even. Instead of thanking her, I said, "so you're telling me you had this device all along but you didn't tell me?"

Caitlin rolled her eyes and huffed. "You are ungrateful."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're a doctor, aren't you supposed to be willing to help people? I mean the Hippocratic oath legit says, "gladly share knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow."

Caitlin looked at him for a full minute. "I know what the oath says Savitar, I took it myself years ago. And you're not making it easy for me to follow it."

What she said was supposed to make him angry and anger did flare up for a second. Instead, he asked her. "Dr. Snow, why are you so pissed at me?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Well let's see-" she ticked off her fingers. "You pretended to be a god, tricking and brainwashing people for years, you killed H.R. you terrorized the city by using Julian, as Alchemy, you kidnapped me and Cisco, you-"

I interrupted her. "Okay I get it but I know you, Caitlin. I may not be Barry Allen, but don't forget I have his memories and I know all of you inside and out."

I plopped down on a chair near her. "At first I thought it was because I kidnapped you but now there's something else. You're particularly mad at me for something else, I can feel it. Might as well spill it. I heard bottling up your feelings can be bad for health, Dr. Snow." I smirked at her and watched as her face grew red. He was enjoying this so much.

"You're insufferable." She muttered. "I'm afraid I can't tell you why I'm particularly pissed at you though. I don't trust you."

I shrugged. "Fine, have it your way."

Just then an alarm blared. "What now?" Said Caitlin peering at a monitor, typing furiously.

"There's a fire at the bank." Said Cisco. "We need to tell Barry."

"Barry's with Iris on another Earth." Said Joe walking into the cortex. "We're going to need another plan."

"Aww dang. I forgot that they were visiting Kara today for the wedding. The Flash is gone for one day and there's already a problem. That is just brilliant." Yelled Cisco frustrated. He slammed his hands on a computer.

"I guess this might not be a good time to say that Wally is on Earth-2 visiting Jesse?" Said Joe.

"That's it we're screwed. At this rate, the fire's going to destroy the bank and anything in its proximity." Cisco put his hands on his head pulling at his hair.

Caitlin looked at Savitar as she whirled around her chair. "You have to go there right now. You're the only one who can stop this."

I didn't budge from my seat. My eyebrows knitted with an amused expression on my face."That's presumptuous of you to assume I'm going to do anything you say. I'm not an errand boy."

Caitlin raised her voice. "This is not an errand-"

She put her hand into a fist. Unfolding and folding her fingers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm begging you please, there are innocent people's lives at stake. You're fast enough. Please just do this one decent thing if you ever want to be redeemed again."

I just looked at her amused. She is stupid for a doctor. I thought. What makes her think I want to be redeemed.

Cisco huffed. "For god's sake Savitar, just go!"

"If you do this one thing, I'll tell Iris what you did when she comes back."

She looked straight into my eyes daring me to challenge her.  "That's right, I know what Iris means to you. And I know that deep down underneath all those layers of hatred and loneliness, you want to do this. This is the right thing to do."

I sighed and glanced around the room. Everyone was staring at him and holding their breaths. "You know what I'll just do this one thing to shut you all up. I won't hear the end of this if I don't do this." I whooshed out of the room to the fire before they could say another word. I needed the run anyway.

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