Chapter 55

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Jimin POV
Daddy took me on a surprise trip! We are in the airplane and it is so cool! There was this lady that didn't believe I have a little baby inside of me. It was night time and everyone was asleep. I was awake and couldn't fall asleep. "Daddwy." I whispered and there was no answer. Was he sleeping? Probably since it was late. I felt weird and sick. Where are the throw up bags!? They were on the floor so I quickly grabbed them. Since I threw up so many times I was used to it. It hurts and burns my throat. "Baby you ok?" Daddy was awake but sounded sleepy. "Baby?" "Daddwy?" I threw up more and cried more. "It's ok baby." He pat my back and finished throwing up. "Here baby." He gave me a tissue to wipe my mouth with. "Daddwy I no wike thwoing upie.' I whined and wiped my tears. "Shhh it's ok baby." He hugged me tightly and wiped my cheeks. "You feeling better baby?" I nodded and hugged daddy tightly. "Sleep baby I'll be here with you." Daddy is so nice to me and helps me out a lot. "Hmm daddwy it hwurts." He kissed my throat to make it feel better. "Thwank you daddwy." "You're welcome baby." My eyes felt heavy and before I knew it I fell asleep in my daddies arms.

Jungkook POV
I was sound asleep when all of a sudden I heard a noise. It sounded like whimpering and crying. Was it Jimin? He was throwing up and he finally stopped. I promised to watch him and stay with him. The flight is about to land. Right now it is 11pm and I am fully awake. The flight should land around 12am. Jimin was asleep by now and sound asleep. His cheeks looked so cute and chubby. They were pressed against the seat and made them look extra chubby. My hand made my way them and squished them. They are the softest things ever! They feel like marshmallows and now I wonder how they taste. I leaned over to his cheeks and grabbed one of them. They are so soft and squishy. Now I get to taste them. I put one in my mouth and it taste like his lotion and vanilla. He moves and whines. I don't want to let go just yet! They feel so nice in my mouth. "D-daddwy?" I let go off his cheek and look at him. "H-hi baby." "Wha is daddwy dowing?" "You're cheeks look so soft and squishy I had to taste them." "Nuuu weave Jiminies tweeks awone!" He whined and pushed me away. I can't help it they look so cute! I leaned over and knew he was sleeping I put his cheek in my mouth. He moved and opened his eyes. "Daddwy!" I didn't listen to him but kept sucking and chewing on it. "D-daddwy! Nuuuu stwop it!" "No baby I love your cheeks they are so squishy." The lights turned on and I saw a flight attendant come over to me. "Sir. If you do not know it is against airport rules to do sexual activities while on board." "But I wasn't doing anything sexual. I was chewing his cheeks." I showed her his cute and chubby cheeks. "Oh. Um my apologies sir." She left and I grabbed Jimin. "Come on baby the plane is gonna land in a little." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Nuu Jiminie mwad at daddwy!" "Why baby?" "Daddwy kept bwitting Jiminie tweeks!" "Aww I'm sorry baby but they looked so soft and squishy." "Fwine daddwy." Hehe I got my way like always. The plane landed and people were grabbing their bags to get off the plane. "Baby come on make sure you don't leave and toys behind." He nodded and looked everywhere. "Jiminie hwas all thwe pwushies!" "Ok baby let's go." I carried him and grabbed my phone. "Baby we have to go get our suitcases and then go to our little house first ok?" "Okway daddwy." We got our suitcases and went outside in line to get a car. We got our rental car and I drove to the beach house I rented out. "Baby were here." "OooooOo daddwy wook at thwe hwouse! It wook so bwig and pwetty!"

" "OooooOo daddwy wook at thwe hwouse! It wook so bwig and pwetty!"

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