Chapter 23 (Part 1)

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It's been one week since my encounter with the Volturi. And one week has gone by where I have lost sleep worrying about the future of our child, and Alice is still pushing me to pick flower decor for the wedding. Jacob has been amazing the whole time, going to my check-ups with Carlisle, and making sure I'm well fed. I've told him that I can take care of myself but he insists on taking care of me. Bella has been helping me with the wedding prep (As we are having a double wedding)  and making sure I'm not on my feet too much , And the rest of the cullens and jacob's pack members have been working together to figure out a plan for when the baby comes. Then of course we have kept an eye on Eli, he seems to be adjusting well and is trying his best not to get on anyone's bad side, we have talked a few times and he went through a lot before he found us, and I gotta admit, I felt for the guy. But anyways the big wedding is in about three months and everyone is on our butts acting like it's tomorrow, I never knew weddings would be this much work, it's exhausting. 


Y'all already know what time it is : Magical 

Timeskip time ~

(to the night before the wedding because why not) you are now five

months pregnant


You were pacing back and forth in your room, when you suddenly heard a knock on your door making you jump. "Come in!" you shouted placing your hands on your outstretched belly (For lack of a better term) then the door creaked open revealing Seth who had one hand behind his back. "what are you up to now?" you asked raising one eyebrow. "Well, my mother and I figured every bride needs something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue...well I have your something old right here " He then removed his hand from behind his back then holding up an ancient looking locket ;  

well I have your something old right here " He then removed his hand from behind his back then holding up an ancient looking locket ;  

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"Seth it's beautiful" You said examining it. "It was a locket my father gave my mother, it used to have a picture of them on their wedding day but now..." He opened it revealing the first picture that was taken of you and Jacob in it in place of the old wedding picture, you were sitting on Jacob's shoulders and you both had toothy grins plastered on your faces. Tell your mother I said thank you so much!" you exclaimed embracing Seth in a hug. After he pulled away from the hug smiling at you "will do Y/N " I'm excited for you for the wedding!" Seth said making you laugh. "Well, I better get going" Seth said hugging you one more time before leaving you to think alone. Soon after you eventually calmed the racing thoughts going through your head down and you fell asleep. 


Hey guys, the part 2 of this chapter will be out later today, since it's currently 12;00 a.m, I have just had a really busy day, and I'm super tired right now, so I apologize. <3

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