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You woke up in the hospital. The bright sunshine from the window woke you up. You didn't know how you got at the hospital. The last thing you remember is being kidnapped. All you could think about at this moment was how embarrassing it was to have been saved 2 times this month. You didn't really know what to say. You sighed and looked around the room. No one was in the room with you. A wave of uneasiness washed through your body. It gave you chills. A few minutes later one if the nurses came into your room. She looked at you and warmly smiled at you and said.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

You tried to talk but your voice wouldn't make a sound. The nurse looked and you with a surprised face and speed walked out of the room. You didn't understand why your voice wouldn't make any sound. You dont remember straining your voice. (You don't recall most of what happened like last time.)

A few minutes later the nurse and the doctor walked into the room. The doctor examined your throat. He told you that you wouldn't be able to talk for a few weeks, and that you would have to do therapy for your voice too. You thought.

" I wanted to ask who brought me here. Too bad I guess"

You wanted to ask questions but you couldn't talk and by the time you could they might have already been answered.

By then you just felt confused. You asked yourself. Why? Why does this keep happening to me? Who saved me? Why can't I talk?

You felt like crying but you didn't know why. You realized that you were going to be late for the training camp. You looked around the room for something that had the time. You looked on the counter beside you and saw your phone. You turned it on and saw it was 5:45 am. You pressed the assistance button beside your bed and one of the nurses walked in and asked.

"What do you need, dear?"

You opened the notes section of your phone and typed this.

"When can I leave?"

The nurse looked at you, smiled and stepped out of the room for a few minutes. She came back and gave you a clip board that had how much the bill was, when you could leave and how long you would have to do therapy. Once she handed you the clip board she gave you an obvious fake smile and walked out of the room.

You looked at the bill and saw that the total was 50,000 yen. You took out your phone and texted your brother.

Rin: Ren, you there?

Ren: Your awake?

Rin: How else would I be texting you?

Ren: I'm coming to pick you up. When are you discharged?

Rin: They have to examine my body for any other bruises or external issues. So Idk.

Ren: oh.. Dont you have a training camp to get to today?

Rin: I'm just watching it'll be fine if im a little late.

Ren: if you were just watching why couldn't you come home...

Rin: I didnt want to see mom and dad. Oh and when you come get 50,000 yen thats the hospital bill.

Ren: okay im on my way I'll see you in a little bit.

Rin: k bye

You looked at your phone for a little bit. You decided to text Kuroo and tell him you would be late for the training camp.

Rin: Kuroo I'm going to be late for the training camp today. Sorry I should be there in time for us to practice together.

You waited for Kuroos reply. You didn't get one. Instead you heard foot steps coming towards your room. The door swung open and you looked up to see Kuroo in the door way. You looked confused and tried to ask what he was doing here but forgot you couldn't talk. So you texted it to him. (This has to have dialog because this will be between talking and texting)

Rin: How did you know where I was? I just told you I was going to be late, what details about my location could you get out of that?

Kuroo looked at you and tilted his head. He looked at you very carefully and basically examined every part of your body he could see. That made you blush. Then he finally said.

"You aren't going to ask what happened? your voice okay?"

You shook your head somberly in response and picked up your phone to text Kuroo another message.

Rin: The doctor said I wont be able to talk for at least a week. They said it was because of excessive voice straining. I dont remember straining my voice that hard though.....

Kuroo looked at you and cringed. He also had this guilty look in his eyes. The look and the face expression put together made your heart drop. You already knew what that look meant.. You've seen it before. You looked down to afford eye contact. You attempted to speak with all you had in you at the moment. 


You felt a sting in your throat and coughed. You looked up at Kuroo to see him looking away. You didn't like seeing him hurt or sad or worried about you. You tugged on his shirt sleeve and he looked at you with teary eyes. This made your heart heavy. You uttered the only word you could say.


You uttered in his ear loud enough for him to hear. You also wanted to ask if he was going to the training camp today so you picked up your phone to type the message.

Rin: Are you going to the training camp today?

Kuroo looked at you and shook his head and said 

"No im not going if you aren't going to be there. Your like my little cheer leader" Kuroo said with a mischievous smirk.

You gave Kuroo a disapproving look and typed.

"No. you have to go.. You can't win against Karasuno if you don't practice and get better. You also looked like you were having a lot of fun don't let me hold you back. Plus they just have to run a few extra tests so ill be back in time to watch for a few hours and practice with you. So don't be stubborn."

Kuroo made a pouty face at you. You kept a solid face but on the inside it was chipping away at your heart. You were about 10 more seconds from breaking when he sighed and said.

I'll go....but not until your tests are finished deal?"

Kuroo reached out his hand. You took it and you shook hands and muttered the words.


                                                                       To be continued

Yayayay you made it to the end of this chapter. I hoped you enjoyed this angst. Tell me if you think there's too much angst. I think it's a little to much but I like angst soo. Here's your reward ^-^. I'm thinking of writing these stories on the computer from now on. That means less frequent posts but better quality ^-^. Anyways ill see you guys later!

 Anyways ill see you guys later!

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I'm Just A Beta.. (Kuroo x reader omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now