Chapter 54

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"If this goes bad, I'm sorry." Julia looked Maeve in the eye, "Don't die on me."

"I won't." She laughed, she took Julias hand and took a deep breath. "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" they said and then chugged the potion. Nothing happened at first but then slowly two became to shrink. Maeve picked up her hand and it was now substituted with a small paw. She looked up at Julia.

"Oh my gosh, Julia!" She laughed.

"What? What am I? And I ugly." Her eyes went wide, Maeve just lost it.

"You're.... You're a ferret." She laughed, "You're so cute!"

"Oh my gosh it worked! You're an otter!" She laughed

"An otter?!" Maeve laughed. Then the two transformed back into their normal forms.

"IT WORKED!" The two laughed



Mum is officially going to hate you. It was nice knowing you.

IT WORKED!! Me and Julia were able to transform successfully! Julia is a ferret, it was so funny. I'm an otter, thank Merlin. I was so scared I was going to be a hippogriff. As cool as that would be, can't really hide around campus as one. Not sure if I can hide as an otter, those are a tad out of the blue. But I'm an otter! How cool is that!

Just wanted to let you know I didn't die.


otter (we need to come up with a name.)



Moony came up with it. I quite like it, he said he read in a muggle book that you can sense things with your whiskers. Be careful of McGonagall, she'll catch on. Im proud of you kid. Can't wait to see you for Christmas. Don't worry, your mum doesn't know.

Love you kiddo,

Pad and Moony


Maeve and Julia sat Melvin and Fleet on the couch.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" Fleet asked, "And don't say, Scamander is always weird. We know that. You guys are acting extra weird."

The girls just laughed, "are we acting weird Mae?" Julia winked at her.

"Not sure Jules." She smiled, "I do feel a bit weird...." She pretended to sneeze and then transformed into an otter. Then Julia laughed and transformed into a ferret. The boys shot up, and stood on the couch.

"BLOODY HELL!" Melvin shouted

"This is what you guys have been doing this past month." Fleet laughed getting down and scooping up Maeve up in his hands, "cute." He laughed. She jumped out of his hands and started to run around the common room. Julia transformed back, watching Maeve run around till she transformed back into herself.

"Cool, ain't it?" She smiled

"Bloody amazing!" Melvin laughed

"I think I'm gonna go scare some Gryffs." She laughed, "I'll be back in a bit." Before she walked out Julia called out, "Be careful Mae."

"Always!" She smiled leaving the portal.

Maeve turned back into the otter, hiding on the stairs waiting for someone to come by the Gryffindors portrait. Eventually Neville came up, and she followed him in without being seen. She noticed that their common room was quite empty, till she saw the trio and twins. The twins were playing chess and the trio was sitting on the couch talking. She began to run around the room, scurrying between all their legs. The trio lifted the legs as Hermione squealed. Then she jumped on Freds lap, and then crawled on his shoulder, pretending to want to watch the chess match. George had his mouth wide open and was pointing at Fred. Fred was just laughing because he knew it had to be Mae. She jumped off his shoulder onto the chessboard making sure she didn't mess up the game, until she took her paw and kicked one of George's pieces off the table and sticking her tongue out. Then she jumped back on the ground running behind the couch, and transforming back to herself.

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