Thor Ragnarok

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Let's get started 😆

Hope's POV

"I do not want to watch that play again." I groaned in annoyance as Loki asked me to join him.

"You said you loved it." Loki grinned playfully.

"I only said that because you directed it." I retorted with a smirk.

"Is that right?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes sir." I nodded with a laugh. "And the Warrior Three told me Lady Sif would never approve of the way you portray her."

"I'm sure she would have a good laugh." Loki smirked knowing full well she wouldn't.

"You go. I have to go talk to Tilia and Bella." I smiled as I ran my hand down his cheek.

Loki leaned into my hand as I did. I ended up with my finger under his chin.

I pulled him closer for a soft kiss making him smile.

Loki smiled lovingly at me. "You promise to come by later on? I have something planned for you."

"Is this about yesterday? When you left and won't tell me where you went?" I crossed my arms. "You've been in a good mood ever since you came back."

He won't tell me where he went and it's been bugging the shit out of me. He never leaves Asgard.

I can't even find it in his head! Like what the shit!

"That's because I know you'll love it. I will tell you everything after I show you." Loki promised with a small grin.

I made a portal and smirked at him. "We'll see."

"Trust me, Darling." Loki placed a kiss on my lips. I smiled against his lips.

"I trust you." I told him before walking through the portal.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. We are just outside the village near the forest.

"Um... okay?" I looked around for Bella, which is who I teleported to.

I noticed her walking into the forest, along with Tilia.

But there was a third person. A hooded figure leading them.

I quickly became worried and ran after them, keeping my feet light to not make a sound.

Oh god! I hate running. Jogging too. Just moving in general is not for me...

But I can certainly kick some ass if I wanted to. Ya know, I haven't kicked any since I came to Asgard.

I caught up to the three and tried to look into the persons mind.

The tall man stopped, making Tilia and Bella stop with him.

"What is it?" Bella asked him in a whisper.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

The two women turned to face me.

"Princess Stark!" Tilia gasped in surprise as I approached them.

I ignored my friends as I stared at the tall hooded figure.

"Heimdall?" I called out to the tall man.

He turned and I was met with the most unique eyes I've ever seen.

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