Ch 105: Stare Into The Abyss

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Lin Yie is speechless.

What do you mean it's not the time yet? What's there to think about? You are checking on your kid. Perhaps...

Saria frowns, "What are you thinking about?"

"No, it's nothing," Lin Yie shakes his head, "Where were we? Oh, why can't you see her? Isn't Ifrit in Rhodes Island right now?"

"She doesn't know I'm here," Saria says, "I usually come back when she's outside, but because of something urgent, I came back early."

"Can you really hide from her?" Lin Yie says, "You have to go back to your room eventually."

"Who said I have to?" Saria says, "If possible, please lend me your office for the night."

Lin Yie pauses, "You want to sleep here?"

"I can use another room if you don't want me here," Saria says, 

"To be honest, rather than the dorm, I like this place more. It's quiet, and I can focus more easily. Don't you think Rhodes Island is too loud? Of course, it's mostly about hiding from Ifrit."

Despite what Saria said, Lin Yie wonders if there's anything going on between Silence and Saria. Ansel did say they seem to have some disagreements with each other.

"It's not that you can't sleep here---"

"If you are talking about the furniture, it's good enough for me," Saria says, "I used to sleep on newspapers and cardboard boxes. This place is fine."

That sounds really depressing...

"I'll leave tomorrow or the day after," Saria says softly.

"Alright," Lin Yie nods. Then, he remembers something, 

"Wait, you sounded like you know this floor well."

"Uhm, what's wrong?"

"Are you one of the residents on the fourth floor?"

Saria nods.

Lin Yie asks, "Do you know the other people that live here?"

"Others?" Saria frowns, "Which one?"

"Uh, there are more?"

"Uhm, it seems you don't know about them," Saria stares at him, 

"You probably only heard the rumors since you don't know how many people live here or what their names are. It's obvious you didn't obtain any useful information."

Lin Yie is speechless.

"Gossips are everywhere," Saria says, "I thought there would be fewer here, but it seems I was wrong."


"That's why I said Rhodes Island is too loud. It's easy to misjudge things in this noisy environment."

Saria softens her tone, "Of course, I'm not blaming you. The people who live here are not really evil, but their personalities do differ from the ordinary folks. It's no wonder they face discrimination... Did Amiya send you here?"

Lin Yie nods.

"That makes sense. Amiya wants you to use your ability to approach them," Saria says softly, 

"From that alone, Amiya is pretty good as a leader. She may be young, but there are many who are willing to stand with her."

Lin Yie is speechless. He only asked a question, but Saria just talks on and on, like his high school math teacher who used to say, "I'll end the lecture with this small concept," and proceed to drag the class out until the second lecture.

"It seems I spoke too much," Saria says, "My apologies. I'm a bit old-fashioned."

Lin Yie shakes his head, "I don't mind."

"Anyway, back to your question, I can tell you their names, but that means nothing. Do you know what the sea looks like?"

Lin Yie pauses, " The sea?"

"What about the ocean?"

"Seeing is better than hearing. You should take a look at yourself."

Lin Yie thought Saria only sounds like his math teacher, but who knew she also "majored" in philosophy?

"I still have things to take care of, so I'll leave now," Saria walks past Lin Yie, 

"Ptilopsis, stop pretending. You're not even sleeping."
Ptilopsis opens her eyes slowly.

"System restart complete," Ptilopsis stands up.

Saria stops at the door.

Lin Yie asks her, "What did you want me to bring to Ifrit?"

"Please tell her, no matter what happens, I'll always protect her."

Lin Yie watches her leave his office.

The sea, huh...

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