Chapter 5 - Attached

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(I finally made this!😆 )

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(I finally made this!😆 )


"Yeah, so tell us son. Who are you? How come you are injured?" the first lady said while Ijay just gave a tight smile, thinking hard what to say.

"And why were you there alone in the forest?" the second one added.

"Yeah!Yeah! I am waiting, interrogate me with all your questions, this was the only thing left to experience. Do this also, actually do everything to increase my problems." he mentally complained in frustration.

"Kunti, Madri don't scare the boy with so many questions. Look he is already anxious." A man in saffron clothes from the door of the hut said.

He moved towards Ijay, knelled down between his legs looked at his face and said "Don't be scared son, we won't pressurize to say anything. By the way,I am Pandu, they are my wives Kunti and Madri he said pointing to elder one and younger one respectively giving them an assuring smile. while the two ladies just gave me a polite smile.

"WOW!Like seriously? I am among the kuru people! How am I supposed to react? should I freak out? Should I have a fan moment? Wait should I believe or not? Ufff ! its so difficult." he mentally cribbed.

"Arya, you are back early?" said Kunti.

"Yeah this little one would be hungry , so we came back with food early today."

"Where are the kids arya?" asked Madari

"We are here mata" came a voice and entered "The Pandavas", the valorous warriors of the future. They might be the most respected and the mightiest warriors of future. But at this point they were just a bunch of cute and notorious lads. Yet responsible.

Ijay's eyes shinned seeing them. The people about whom he read in books were there right in front of his eyes. The only perk of the situation he will get to meet such great people.

"Sons, be friends with him. From,now on he will stay with us only as your youngest brother. So you better make him comfortable" he said ruffling Ijay's hair."

Pandu's words made Ijay stunned. His heart overwhelmed with respect and admiration for the Samrat. He could not question his decision, to be honest he didn't want to either.He always felt a close connect with the Pandavas while reading about their life, and being here sitting amongst them this feeling icreased a thousand folds. He let destiny have its way. He did not have a better option either. Rejecting them? Nada. Bad idea.

The Pandavas smiled at Ijay, and he returned an equally polite smile. Ijay's stomach rumbled loudly. There was silence in the room for a few minutes, Ijay felt quite embarrassed. He was looking towards the ground when he heard loud laughter. It was Bheem, who was laughing loudly .Arjuna elbowed Bheem as to stop laughing which he did. Now all eyes turned towards Ijay as to ensure that he is not upset.

Pursuit of the Inevitable -A Mahabharata FictionWhere stories live. Discover now