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aurora grumbled tiredly as stiles picked her up from her place in the passenger's seat

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aurora grumbled tiredly as stiles picked her up from her place in the passenger's seat. her honey eyes remained closed as she clung onto his neck, snuggling her face into his shoulder.

"c'mon, pretty girl." he adjusted her as he closed the passenger door to roscoe. "our friends are waiting for us."

"do we have to? I'm sleepy."

"you're always sleepy." stiles retaliated, earning a playful bite on the shoulder. he rolled his eyes before setting the tiny girl down, trying to ignore her protests the best he could. as soon as her feet were on the floor she clung back onto him, holding herself against his arm in the cold of the night. stiles knocked on the door to the veterinary practice. as the two stood silently the lanky boy took notice of his girlfriend's shivers. he frowned at the sight of her nightdress and his flannel. although he loved how tiny she looked in his clothes he wouldn't want anything other than the best for his girl.

rory jumped in shock as scott opened the door to the vets. he smiled sheepishly at being so silent before unlocking the door and letting the couple in, giving rory a scruff on the top of her head.

"hey!" she protested, using her small hands to flatten the blonde halo once more. despite her fake anger the little girl couldn't help smile at the small notion of affection. scott and stiles made it easy to realise how much more comfortable she was compared to the awkward rivalry between girls that they had the audacity to call a friendship. although, the boys did have their moments.

after their brief greeting to deaton, isaac and derek the group set off on emptying bags of ice into the already freezing water. the cool of the room didn't help rory's shivering case. speaking of which,

"what's with the outfit?" derek asked, jerking his head towards the little blonde angel.

"she was sleeping." stiles deadpanned as he chucked another bag into the metal tub in the centre of the room.

"and your shirt?" the blue eyed wolf asked again with a smirk.

"she was cold." stiles looked up at the oldest wolf with raised eyebrows. why was he suddenly so interested?

"hey, daddy wolf," stiles gulped as aurora addressed derek directly. "hold this for me." the small girl held out her closed hand, raising it above derek's newly open awaiting one. she dropped an icecube onto his warm skin before picking up her own and holding it reciprocally to his own. the hale's thick eyebrows furrowed.

"what are we doing?"

"I wanna see the difference in how long they take to melt." the small girl answered his burning question. his eyebrows furrowed further at the girl, who's big doe eyes were situated in a hard stare at the two ice cubes. he swivelled around, staring at the others as though to ask 'is she serious?' scott covered his laugh with a cough, throwing the last empty bag away into the trash.

"how slow does his heart beat have to be?" the puppy eyed werewolf asked as isaac leaned over the tub in surveillance.

"very slow." aurora frowned at deacons words.

Derek shook his hand off from the excess water of the melted ice cube. "okay, so, how slow is very slow?"

"nearly dead."

"b-but that's really dangerous." rory mumbled as she frowned further.

"no, it's safe, right?" Isaac asked in astonishment after dripping his fingers into the water and hissing.

deaton looked down at the boy. "do you want me to answer that honestly?"

"no. no, not really." the blond boy answered anxiously.

suddenly, the snapping of rubber came from behind them. rory jumped, dropping her ice cube into the water. the group turned to face the smith girl's brunette boyfriend, a long surgical glove wrapped around his hand and covering his arm. stiles smiled happily at the latex before noticing the prying eyes upon him. "what?" derek gave him a pointed look. stiles reluctantly sighed, slipping the glove off and throwing it away.

derek's attention was caught by isaac, who was visibly distressed and looked as though he could vomit at any second. "look, if it feels too risky you don't have to do this." auroras eyes softened as she came to stiles' side; Derek really did have a heart.

Isaac didn't reply. in less than a second he had pulled off his grey thsirt. stiles quickly reached forward, covering auroras eyes with his big hands. the movement muffled her little protest. the tall boy didn't let go until isaac was fully submerged in the water. scott and derek held down the blond's shoulders, trying to push him back down as he resurfaced half transformed. stiles pushed the small girl behind him slightly.

"get him back under." deaton ordered, motioning for the couple to help their friends. instantly the two were helping to the best of their abilities, holding down each of his legs. each of stiles' hands held down each leg, his right hand joining the two that aurora had hold of. stiles wasn't stupid; there was no way a pretty little thing like rory could ever hold one of Isaac's limbs down. isaac struggled and grunted against their restraint. his thrashing did no help for aurora's shivers, but she didn't care. as long as everyone was safe. the boy finally settled, and deaton instructed everyone to keep quiet.

"isaac?" the middle aged man called softly. "can you hear me?"


aurora shuddered, subconsciously moving closer to her boyfriend.

"this is doctor deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. is that okay?"


"I want to ask about the night you found erica and boyd." lightning flashed outside, and the little girl had to do her best not to whimper. she couldn't risk distracting isaac. "I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again."

lights flickered above their heads. "I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that." he started to thrash again, the water spilling over the group. aurora gasped at the intensity.

"aurora, get back." stiles whispered threateningly.


"get. back." stiles's jaw clenched as he tried to keep the layhe boy down in the water. deaton gave the two a pointed look. rory gulped before letting go and pulling her hands out of the water. she stepped away as slowly and quietly as she could.

deaton and Isaac's conversation seemed to go back and fourth for quite some time before Isaac finally calmed down and allowed himself to truly delve into his memories. the blond boy described the building in vivid detail, trying to remember the best that he could. by his description the plot seemed eerie and spooky, somewhere aurora definitely didn't want to venture. the boy started to panic and the lights above their head flickered more. "someone's here" was uttered from his blue lips repeatedly, and derek could no longer wait to question the boy. he was confusing him, and deaton tried his best to get Derek to stop before Isaac shot up in a sweat. in the moments before his wake he eerily started to describe being taken into a room, one with the decaying corpse of erica inside. aurora choked on her gasp, eyes instantly watering.

"Its a bank vault! I see it!" his eyes wondered around the group, lingering slightly on the timid girl furthest away from him. "I saw a name."

stiles moved over to his girlfriend, rubbing against her arms in hopes to comfort her. "you okay?"

wide eyed, the small girl swallowed. she never did give him an answer.



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