Chapter 19

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Rus's P.O.V (four hours earlier) 

"Салам, чоң жигит! Кантип кармадыңыз?" (Hi there, big guy! How've you been holding up?) Kyrgyzstan asked, as she opened the door to her shared room.

She had constantly bugged me about meeting up for dinner, or something of the sort. She hadn't actually told me what she wanted to see me for. 

"Здравствуй." (Hi.) I muttered, while I stepped into her room "Я в порядке, ты?" (I'm alright, you?)

"Мех, мен жакшы деп ойлойм. Жөн гана зеригип, жалгызсырап, аны менен чогуу отуруп калды." (Meh, I'm okay I guess. Just bored, lonly, and rooming with him.) She growled, while she pointed over her shoulder at Uzbekistan.

"Hey! Men unchalik yomon emasman." (Hey! I'm not that bad.) He defended. 

"Албетте сен эмессиң, сен менин сүйгөн инимсиң, мен аны аябай жакшы көрөм." (Of course you're not, you're just my adopted brother, whom I love ever so much.) She sarcastically remarked.

Then she leaned over to me and whispered, "Ал өзүнө айта берет, мен ага жардам берүүгө гана аракет кылып жатам. Кантсе да, мен анын өзүнө-өзү калп айтууну адатка айлантышын каалабайм." (He keeps telling himself that, I'm only trying to help him. After all, I don't want him to get into a habit of lying to himself.)

I chuckled, even though she was a bit of a pain, she was the only one who could make me howl with laughter.

Uzbekistan looked between us and grumbled, "Xo'sh, Qirg'iziston, men bilan gaplashmasdan yana kimni taklif qildingiz?" (So, Kyrgyzstan, who else did you invite without talking to me?) He sighed. 

She began to mumble to herself while counting on her fingers. "Хм, мен Беларуссия менен Азербайжан сөзсүз келерин билем. Бирок бизге Казакстан, Украина жана Молдова кошулушу мүмкүн." (Um, well, I know that Belarus and Azerbaijan are definitely coming. However, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Moldova might join us.)

"Nega shuncha odamni taklif qildingiz? Agar ularning barchasi kelsa, bu sakkiztamiz uchun kichik joy." (Why did you invite that many? This is a small space for all eight of us if they all come.) He complained.

"Ой, кел. Бир аз жеңилдеңиз, мен Дороту аракты кандайдыр бир себептерден улам алдым." (Oh come on. Lighten up a little, I had Dorothy get the vodka for a reason.) Kyrgyzstan argued.

"Подождите, вы сказали водку?" (Wait, did you say vodka?) Memories from what happened two days ago started to rush back into my head. 

"Ага!" (Yep!) She chirped. My stomach started to feel sick, and my head felt a bit woozy. 

"Эй, Рус, сен аракты же башка нерсени ичип жатасыңбы? Сиз кызыктай көрүнүп жатасыз." (Hey, Rus, are you, like, off vodka or something? You look weird.) She speculated. She gestured to the couch for me to take a seat, so I did.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Думаю, можно сказать, что ..." (I guess you could say that...) 

Uzbekistan furrowed his eyebrows, "Va nima uchun bu? Oxirgi marta tekshirganimda, siz ichimlik mashinasi edingiz." (And why's that? Last time I checked, you were a drinking machine.) A quiet girly snicker followed his statement. 

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