Chapter 9

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Six months pass, I'm in the room while Nya has her second child. She holds my hand as I whisper words to her. With a final scream, she slumps back on the bed.

Rubbing her head, I tell her how good she did. The little joy is passed to me and I pass hem to Nya. Nya holds the boy to her chest, she rubs his head.

I leave the room, Jay stands up from the chair he sits in. "She wants you." I say. Jay gives me a hug, I return it and Jay walks into the room. Light runs up to me, I pick hem up. "What is it." He asks.

"Ny Ny had a boy. You have another playmate." He giggles and claps his hands. "I have another friend. I have another friend." Light chants.

Cole walks up, he has become very protective of the kids. "You have to go." He asks. I got a call for a target. A thug that's been rapping, torchoring and than killing young woman.

The Commissioner has ordered me to kill the son of a bitch. Passing light to Cole, Sensei Wu and Garmadon give me a nod. I kiss Light on the cheek and head out.

Tracking the thug, I find hem in the middle of raping a young lady. Dropping down, grabbing the fucker, I slam his face into the wall. The girl huddles in the corner. With a growl, I take my dagger and slit his throat. Going to the young lady, I drap my coat over her and pick her up.

Walking to the hospital, doctor's meet me. Going back to the lobby, The Commissioner meets me. "Fine job, Kai. I have one more mission for you." He says. "Sir." I ask. "Spend some time with your family." He tells me. "And take some time off. You've earned it."

The Commissioner tells me and he leaves.rejoining my family, Light gets on my back. In a week's time, Nya is free to come home. My condo is big enough for all of us.

Two months into Zander being with us, I'm walking home from a contract when a sting is fealt in my neck. Reaching up and pulling out a dart, my vision begins to get fuzzy.

Sinking to a knee, five figures drop down. My other knee falls to the pavement as I fall sideways. Struggling to stay away, a shot is stabbed into my shoulder and I surcome to the darkness.

'Who has me, I'll kill them.'

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