Chapter 11: Back Into Service.

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Sinja: Let's start off with this chapter with a short mission, we're at least 2 or 3 chapters from Natagumo Mountain!


Since you were in a Tokyo prefecture you knew that you had to take another means of transportation since walking all the way to Hokkaido would take you an eternity.

Even though you have been in many missions in big cities it was still very hard to get used to how fast they move in a daily basis so you would usually keep your head low and not wear your mask either since it would draw attention to you. And since you had to get there as soon as possible you rather avoid any unnecessary distraction.

This mission seemed pretty easy compared to others, but you still had to go with all the caution possible. So you had investigated a little before heading out and found a wisteria house nearby the designated area you were sent to.
You stopped for a moment so you could eat some Udon before the long road trip up North, you took this time to write some letters to Uzui and to Hiroji, your cultivator since you always forgot to write back.

You asked Uzui if it was possible for him to send you some kunai for this mission, you then gave Okashi both letters and sent him first towards Uzui since it was high importance for you. After eating you payed and left where you found a couple of farmers filling up their carriage with supplies.

"Hello, excuse me. Where are you headed to?" You asked the couple. "We're heading up North to some districts North of here". The man replied. "Could you please give me a ride? I'll gladly pay you" You said excited to see they were heading up.
"I can take you for free, but help me out here loading up the carriage".
You gladly did so and carried everything in one hand and put it on top of the carriage, quickly after you got on too.

The couple had their eyes and mouth wide open seeing your strength as you loaded it up but quickly got on as well, noticing that you were in a rush.
Since it was still pretty early you took a small nap for some hours. You were woken up by the woman after you had made it to their farm.

"This is where we stop young man!" she said while moving your leg to wake you. You were lazy because of the nap but jumped off. "Thank you very much for the ride" You said bowing putting your hand in your pocket to give them some money. "Oh no, it's totally fine" She said assuring it. Independently you still gave them some for the troubles.

It was at least 5 in the afternoon and you were not even close to Hokkaido. You remembered Shinobu mentioning that there was a train that took you there. "Do you know where the closest train station is located?" You asked right before you left. "Head straight from here some 10km and you'll find a small merchant district. The closest station is there." The man replied.
Once again you bowed and went on your way.

Luckily you were back in peak condition, so you could run most of the way there. You would get to the district by night if you wouldn't stop one bit so you did just that. To make it easier for you, you placed your swords back in place, one scabbard on each side of you. You were hiding them since you didn't want to be stopped by police and you would have to do so again once you made it to the station but for now you were getting used to them.

Every once in a while you would unsheath them and run with both of them in hand as a mean to train yourself to use them both in the heat of battle. It took you two and a half hours to get to the station, but right before you entered you hid both your swords on your back.

This was the first time you saw a train and was nervous as to how buy tickets or get on. So you went close to the booth and check out how people would buy them so you wouldn't embarrass yourself while doing so.
After knowing how and gaining confidence you went up to the booth.
"One ticket to Hokkaido please" You said full of confidence. "This line doesn't take you there, but you can get on another line from this one" The man attending said. When you heard this you got extremely nervous and didn't know what to say "Emm.. The closest to Hokkaido then?" you nervously asked.

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