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As the three walk inside the café they can see that Hoseok's already there. "Gguk!" he exclaims with a big smile.

"Hobi!!" Jeongguk rushes over to give his bestfriend a tight hug. Taehyung follows his boyfriend with a chuckle and Chansol in his arms.

"Hobi, that's Tae, my boyfriend." Jeongguk introduces the elder to his bestfriend smiling happily.

"And that's Chansol, our son." Taehyung adds, adjusting his hold on Chansol so that Hoseok can have a better look at the baby. "But I guess you've already met him, right?"

"Yup he has." Jeongguk answers absent-minded, being too overwhelmed by the elder's words. Our son. He really said our son.

Jeongguk hears faintly in the background how Hoseok also introduces himself and that Taehyung starts a conversation with him as he's too happy about this. Taehyung really sees him as the second parent of the baby. Of course, the elder told him already but hearing it like that is something different.

As he's so lost in his thoughts he doesn't even notice that the others already sat down, Taehyung still carrying Chansol on his arm. But then Taeyhung decides to speak to him. "Love, are you okay?"

Jeongguk flinches at the elder's voice before he looks at the hand that Taehyung holds out to him. With a shake of his head to clear his thoughts, Jeongguk takes the hand into his and lets himself being pulled down next to his boyfriend.

"I'm alright." he assures Taehyung who gives him a worried look, seemingly not buying it. "Really." the younger adds honestly.

"Okay so I'll take the chocolate milkshake. What about you?" Hoseok looks up from the menu. It seems like he hasn't noticed anything of the entire conversation between the couple.

"I'll take the same as you. I love the milkshake!" Jeongguk exclaims.

With a helpless look on his face Taehyung looks at his boyfriend. "What's good here? I've never been to this place."

The evident pout on his lips makes Jeongguk chuckle. "The milkshakes are great. But the coffee's not bad either."

"And the muffins are heavenly." Hoseok adds, lifting up his pointing finger.

"Then I'll take a coffee and a muffin." Taehyung speaks after a few seconds of thinking.

"Good choice." Jeongguk says with a nod.

"Taehyung!" Suddenly a voice can be heard causing Taehyung to turn his head in search for the source of it.

"This sounds like Jimin, doesn't it?" Taehyung nods at his boyfriend's words in agreement. "Yes but where is he?"

"We're here you dummy." A voice speaks, right next to Jeongguk. "Ah hi!" the younger greets Jimin and Yoongi who's standing beside his boyfriend.

"Hey" Taehyung also greets the two. "What are you doing here?"

"The weather's nice today so we thought we could take a walk and grab a coffee. What about you?" Jimin lets his eyes wander over his bestfriend and Jeongguk until he stops at Hoseok who he obviously hasn't seen before.

"Ah hi, I'm Jimin! And this is Yoongi, my boyfriend." he introduces himself with a smile. "I'm Hoseok." the red-head answers, smiling just as wide as the other. "I'm Jeongguk's bestfriend. And yeah, as he's finally found a boyfriend I had to meet him as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Jimin snaps his head back to Taehyung. "That reminds me... we still don't know how it happened." he speaks, eyes filled with curiosity.

Taehyung chuckles awkwardly. "Well..."

Just before Jimin can start his scolding again, Yoongi stops his boyfriend. "Hey, let him explain hm?"

Jimin lets out a huff but complies nevertheless and looks at his bestfriend, waiting for an explanation.

"You can sit down if you want to. I was about to ask the same thing just now." Hoseok suddenly says.

Jimin's about to nod as Yoongi stops him softly and smiles gratefully. "Thank you, but it's your meet-up. We don't want to disturb you."

Hoseok shakes his head with a smile. "No, really it's no problem."

"Yeah we don't mind." Jeongguk adds.

And so the two sit down and Jeongguk and Taehyung tell them about their date and how they came together.

After they finished, Jimin asks Taehyung hesitantly. "Can I hold Chansol? I haven't held him for so long"

"Of course you can."

And after Jimin, Yoongi wants to hold him and then Hoseok and in the end, the baby's back in Taehyung's arms. Chansol lets out a little yawn, making everyone coo.

"Getting tired honey?" Jeongguk asks the baby and strokes over his cheek softly. The boy squirms around a bit, like he always does when he gets tired. "Can you take him for a while? He gets heavy." Taehyung suggests tiredly.

Nodding, Jeongguk takes the Chansol into his arms, swaying him softly what seems to calm him down.

"He's such a nice kid. You really have luck with him." Yoongi speaks while looking at the tired baby in Jeongguk's arms. "Taehyung doesn't deserve such a well-behaved son. I mean he always was so naughty as a child." Jimin adds with a chuckle.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at his bestfriend's words but before he can speak up, Jeongguk says innocently, "Believe me, changing diapers is enough punishment for him. Right, darling?"

Taehyung scoffs loudly. "I'm not that bad."

Jeongguk starts to laugh. "Sure sure." He looks at the other three as he explains, "You know, everytime the baby poops, he runs away faster than the flash."

This causes everyone to laugh, except Taehyung who looks at his boyfriend as if Jeongguk's just betrayed him in the worst way possible.

"You don't have to look at me like that, it's the truth and you know that." Jeongguk laughs.

"Yeah yeah" Taehyung only says but Jeongguk can see that he's smiling as well.

And right at this moment he feel so happy. He's with his friends and his own family. Such carefree moments are rare and that what makes them even more special.

And because of that, Jeongguk appreciates them even more.


hii!! how are you all? i hope everybody's fine!

and i wanted to thank you. i just noticed that the story is #1 in vkook. this is unbelievable.

thank you so much for reading this story! every comment, read and vote means so much to me and i'm so grateful! ❤

stay safe and healthy everyone! take care! ❤

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