¹⁷| Memories

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 2, 1990. Right where we left off ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

When we reached the Bronze gates of Gringotts, everyone else was standing around and talking to each other while waiting for us. We met up with the group and I walked inside without waiting for the others, knowing that they'll start asking questions. I nod to the guards on duty, in a show of respect. They clearly remembered me from my last visit.

I walked up to a teller and greeted him after looking at his name plaque. "Well met, Master Sharptooth, May your vaults overflow and your enemies cower at your feet" I offered the formal greeting custom to the Goblins that Griphook and Ragnok had told me last time. The Goblin looked up at formal greeting. I could see the recognition in his eyes when he saw me, from last time. "May your gold flow like a river and your foes flee before your blade", he greeted back.

"I have an appointment with Director Ragnok and Griphook, Master Sharptooth," I said politely. He grunted and leapt from his perch on the high stool. "Follow me,". We trailed after him, down the now familiar path to the oldest Family meeting rooms.

When we reached the door, I looked back at the Goblin guide. "Thank you for your help Sharptooth," I said pleasantly and knocked on the door. The Goblin just grunted and walked away. We entered the impressive office and I walked directly to the couch where Ragnok and Griphook were conversing in Goblin tongue.

"Well met, Ragnok, Griphook" I greeted and offered them the formal Goblin greetings as well. After all the greetings were finished, I settled down opposite Ragnok and Griphook with Remus and Lucius on either side.

"Looking sharp Harry, you're looking more and more like someone of your stature should. And I see you've found one of your familiars". "Wait a minute, one of my familiars?" I asked. Can't a guy want to be normal for one second? "You are a very powerful Harry, will be even more powerful after you remove your blocks, compulsions and claim your Lordships. Your magic will want you to have more familiars, at least four. Less if they are magically powerful creatures" he explained.

"Well I'm too lazy to tell all of you what happened, is there a way for others to watch my memories?" I asked Ragnok. "Actually, there is. Wait a moment", he then started searching Griphook's drawers, then went to look through the numerous shelves of magical artefacts. At last, he came out with what looked like a crystal sphere that seemed like it was solid and gas at the same time.

He handed the sphere to me and said, "Hold the sphere with both hands, and concentrate on the memory you want to show us". I took the sphere in my hands and closed my eyes and concentrated on everything that happened after we separated into our smaller groups.

The sphere started to glow slowly, then image faded in, like a mirage, and I could see Diagon Alley and my group and I walking towards Knockturn alley after I complained about Ollivander. Everyone watched with rapt attention as I picked out my wand and gasped in all the right spots. Even Griphook and Ragnok had a look of awe on their faces, even if it was not prominent.

After that everyone saw the shopping I did at Madam Malkin's and Ragnok smirked and nodded as if he agreed with my choice in clothing. Who wouldn't, I looked bloody amazing - even for an eleven-year-old. Then everyone listened with rapt attention when she described the enforcing of uniforms for his own schemes and I planned to overthrow him, one rule and prejudice at a time.

Everyone just smirked and shook their heads at me making even my school trunk as expensive as it can be. But when we returned to Felix's to watch my wand being made all of them could see what I saw, raw magic. All of them stared at me like I was a god and looked back at the process of making a wand so powerful it almost caused a magical backlash that could have easily levelled the entirety of Knockturn and Diagon alley - according to Ragnok.

Then they began eyeing me with even more respect. I just internally rolled my eyes and stood up straighter and let some of the magic I could feel in my core out. When they all flinched at the feel of my magic, I couldn't hold back the smirk, "Staring is rude you know" I said in a voice dripping with faux innocence.

But when all of them saw me hurrying around the bookstore and buying all sorts of books, and the tension broke, slightly.

That stopped the looks, but the tension really broke when they saw me conversing with Mercury and how snarky the reptile seemed. This was worsened by him hissing death threats at the lot of them. "~I will turn them all to stone if they do not stop they will become a garden ornament~" he hissed. When I conveyed the message the laughing and chuckling stopped as if a switch was flipped. He just hissed at them and went back to sleep.

"Harry, if you don't mind me asking, how do you plan to study material that advanced, those are years ahead of what you should be learning. I know you are extremely powerful, but the skill and precision it takes to learn and practice all that is something you do not have", said Griphook curiously.

This is when I smirked, I leaned back and casually and elegantly crossed my legs. "If you remember, Griphook I have Eidetic memory, which means not only could I ever forget anything, it means every precise wand movements and incantation are permanently engraved in my brain. Any information I learn will never be lost. I never have to read books a second time, unless it is for my entertainment or pleasure" I said looking at all of them and let my inner snake shine through.

"Not only do I have an eidetic memory, but intellectually I am more advanced than people four years ahead of me. In school, I was the smartest student for more than four grades ahead of me. I believe that will apply here as well". The others just nodded mutely, silently contemplating everything I said while Neville and Draco looked at me with pride as if it was a privilege being my brothers, and Susan looked at me like I was her personal role model.

Can't a guy ever get a break?

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