**30** (Final)

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1 month later

Third Person's POV

It's been a month since Y/N had  moved back in with her brothers and alot had changed

Y/N had grew closer with her brothers.

Her brothers finally changed and now isn't the horrible abusive brother they were back then. They are now the sweet and caring brothers Y/N had wanted.

Ara, would be having ber flight back to Korea in a week

Hanuel never lost touch with Y/N. They would often call each other

As for Y/N's memories. They aren't back yet. Yes. No matter how much she tried and wanted to remember, they never came back

But every time Y/N would walk pass that room with a white door. A puzzle of her memory would comeback.

She wanted to know what was behind that door. But every she would her brothers would come and stop her.

They were still afraid. Afraid that Y/N would leave them once her memories come back. They had no choice but to keep her away from that room for the mean time

As for Taehyung and Jimin they would often fight in the middle of the night. Jin decided it was a bad idea to make them roommates

It was a Wednesday, and of course, no school since it was still summer


"Hey Y/N. Are you busy?" Jungkook oppa asked as he pops his head in my- sorry. Jimin's room

"Huh? Oh no. Why oppa?" I asked as I set my phone down. "I was thinking we could habe a quick game. Loser buys the winner boba" Jungkook said as he holds up two controllers

I got up and grab the controller from his hand "OH YOU'RE ON" I exclaimed as I ran to his room

He comes in after and turns on the game "Prepare to lose. Remember, I want mine sweeter than sweet" Jungkook said as he sits down beside me

"Dream on bunny man" I stuck my tounge out at him. The game started and we started playing

30 minutes later

"HAHA I WON" I yelled in victory as I jumped. Jungkook sighed and flops on the bed "I was sure I was gonna win" he commented

"But you didn't" I laughed, suddenly the door opened

"Hey, Jin hyung wants us for lunch downstairs now. He cooked Y/N's favorite" Taehyung oppa said as he leans at the door frame

"Really? Nice" I smiled as I rushed downstairs. Taehyung oppa still at the door framed looking at Jungkook, who stood up

"You lost didn't you?" Taehyung chukled as he looks at Jungkook "I was sure I would win" Jungkook said as he walks pass Taehyung, Making his way downstairs, Taehyung following behind

Time Skip

Third Person's POV

"Jin" Jin hears a voice behind him enter his room . He turn to see it was Namjoon. "What?" Jin asked "We have a problem" Namjoon said with a nervous face

"What is it?" Jin asked "I-I lost the keys to Y/N's room" Namjoon said, shaking

"You, WHAT?!" Jin exclaimes "How are we gonna prevent her from going in now?! What if she enters? What if her memories comeback? What if she leaves us?! What if-"

"Jin calm down" Namjoon attempts to calm him down. "She won't leave us. But we just need to keep an eye kn that room, specially now that we lost the key to it" Namjoon said as he comforted Jin

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