Chapter 4: The New Class 1-A

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The day had finally come for Iyashi to start school at U.A. high.
Like most mothers when their son goes a prestigious school Iyashi's mother had pampered him with photos of him in his school uniform.
It kept the original style of the old school uniform but with more vibrant colors as well as patches on the side.
"Mom I gotta go now." , Iyashi said as he started heading toward the door.
"Come on, how about one more picture.", Iyashi's mother said.
"Bye mom.", said Iyashi as he walked out of door.
"Have a good day at school sweetie,", said Iyashi's mother, she then walked over to a scrapbook filled with photos of Iyashi and all of the happy moments in his life ", and good luck Iyashi"
-———————AT THE U.A. GATES——————-
Iyashi looked up at the school gates for the second time in his life, "they look taller than before." Iyashi thought to himself.
He held in his hand an identification card it contained a photo of him as well as a brief description of himself and his quirk.
It also contained a number that Iyashi had recognized "Class 1-A".
He remembered Joey telling him about his friend who had the capability to crush a robot with a simple movement of his wrist.
"If you feel scared then you shouldn't even be here.", said a strange voice.
Iyashi turned around to see a blonde boy around the same height as Joey.
"Are you looking for a fight man.", Iyashi said.
Insert time skip noise here
"I don't have time to show people like you how outclassed you are, the school will do that for me.", said the boy as he walked through the doors of U.A. high.
Iyashi was shocked to see him appear behind him, he could've sworn that he had never kept his eyes off of him.
"So I see you've met Jikan,", said Joey from behind Iyashi. "he was the biggest jerk during elementary and middle school."
"He sure has an ego.", Iyashi said.
"Yeah but he's got the power to back up that talk.", Joey said.
"What's his quirk then?", Iyashi asked.
"No one knows, he's always been secretive about his quirk and its abilities, but I wouldn't worry about him only until the time of the sports festival comes around."
"When does that happen?", Iyashi asked.
"In about a month.", Joey said.
"Crap we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up.", Iyashi said.
"No you're gonna be late,", Joey said as he punched the ground with Desert Rose, a pillar came out and Joey grabbed onto it as it started going to the school entrance," see ya in there."
"Damn you Joey.", Iyashi said as he started running towards the school entrance.
"This is it,", Iyashi thought to himself, "your life long colleagues are right behind this door."
Iyashi opened the door
Iyashi had been greeted by a velociraptor at the door, he nearly fainted due to the sheer shock of the jumpscare.
"Sorry 'bout that mate, just consider this a greeting from me, Dobutsu Amajiki.", said the velociraptor.
"Wai-wai-wait I think I'm hallucinating but did you just talk.", Iyashi said.
"Oops I forgot to get out of my raptor form,", said the raptor as it started changing itself back into a human," again sorry about that I just have a tendency to greet people as an animal."
"You made three people faint Dobu.", said a voice from behind them.
"Not my fault they don't know how to be greeted by a velociraptor, anyways you're the last person so I guess that's your seat.", Dobutsu said as he pointed to an empty seat.
"So when do you think our teacher is gonna arrive.", someone said.
"I already am here,", said a voice from behind the teachers desk, "unfortunately for me the school has a new "be here before 8" policy, so I just brought my sleeping bag along."
Everyone was shocked to see a man begin emerging from a sleeping bag.
"Now then shall we start class.", said the man who emerged from the sleeping bag.
"Wait how long were you here sir?", Dobutsu asked.
"Like I said they have a new be here before 8 policy and please call me Mindjack.", said Mindjack.
"The Mindjack, the number 18 hero Mindjack.", said Iyashi.
"Yes I think that's how the hero rankings work, anyways now then today we begin with a test,", said Mindjack, " this test won't be for a grade it'll just be a test to show me your quirk and its abilities."
"I've always wondered how powerful my quirk could be without limiting myself.", someone said.
"Now then any questions.", asked Mindjack.
"Good now follow me outside so we can begin the test."
———————-END OF CHAPTER———————
Sorry for the late upload everyone
With school just starting there isn't a lot of time to write stories
On a unrelated note we are nearing 200 reads thank you all for reading this story and as always

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